Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have made substantial progress in universalizing primary school completion. Many young Africans are completing primary schooling, and many more will do so in the coming years. The pressure already strong to expand secondary and tertiary education is expected to intensify. Finding a sustainable path for such expansion is a challenge for all countries in the region. Given the diversity across African countries, 'Developing Post-Primary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Assessing the Financial Sustainability of Alternative Pathways' offers no generic policy fix....
Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have made substantial progress in universalizing primary school completion. Many young Africans are completing primary...
Les pays d Afrique subsaharienne ont realise de remarquables progres vers l achevement universel du cycle primaire. Un nombre croissant de jeunes vont se presenter a la porte du secondaire dans les annees a venir et la pression, deja forte aujourd hui, va s accroitre et requerir l extension des capacites d accueil de l enseignement secondaire et ensuite du superieur. Definir une strategie soutenable d expansion du post-primaire constitue d ores et deja un defi pour l ensemble du continent. Etant donnee la diversite de situation des pays africains, l ouvrage ne pretend pas offrir une solution...
Les pays d Afrique subsaharienne ont realise de remarquables progres vers l achevement universel du cycle primaire. Un nombre croissant de jeunes vont...
Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Comparative Analysis takes stock of education in Sub-Saharan Africa by drawing on the collective knowledge gained through the preparation of Country Status Reports for more than 30 countries. The analysis is based on a cross-country dataset which combines both administrative and household survey data to describe aspects of enrollment and student flow, disparities, out-of-school children, finance, management, quality, social impact and the link between education systems and labor markets. The book provides those concerned with education in Sub-Saharan Africa...
Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Comparative Analysis takes stock of education in Sub-Saharan Africa by drawing on the collective knowledge gained t...