The aim of this Handbook is to acquaint the reader with the current status of the theory of evolutionary partial differential equations, and with some of its applications. Evolutionary partial differential equations made their first appearance in the 18th century, in the endeavor to understand the motion of fluids and other continuous media. The active research effort over the span of two centuries, combined with the wide variety of physical phenomena that had to be explained, has resulted in an enormous body of literature. Any attempt to produce a comprehensive survey would be futile. The...
The aim of this Handbook is to acquaint the reader with the current status of the theory of evolutionary partial differential equations, and with some...
The material collected in this volume reflects the active present of this area of mathematics, ranging from the abstract theory of gradient flows to stochastic representations of non-linear parabolic PDE's. Articles will highlight the present as well as expected future directions of development of the field with particular emphasis on applications. The article by Ambrosio and Savare discusses the most recent development in the theory of gradient flow of probability measures. After an introduction reviewing the properties of the Wasserstein space and corresponding subdifferential...
The material collected in this volume reflects the active present of this area of mathematics, ranging from the abstract theory of gradient flows to s...
Handbook of Differential Equations: Evolutionary Equations is the last text of a five-volume reference in mathematics and methodology. This volume follows the format set by the preceding volumes, presenting numerous contributions that reflect the nature of the area of evolutionary partial differential equations.
The book is comprised of five chapters that feature the following:
- A thorough discussion of the shallow-equations theory, which is used as a model for water waves in rivers, lakes and oceans. It covers the issues of modeling, analysis and applications. - Evaluation of...
Handbook of Differential Equations: Evolutionary Equations is the last text of a five-volume reference in mathematics and methodology. This volume fol...