The emptiness and hypocrisy of bourgeois society and the power of money were depicted with irony and sarcasm in short stories and novellas written by Merimee in the 1830's and 1840's, including The Double Misunderstanding,"Arsene Guillot,"and "The Abbe Aubain."In the short stories "The Venus of Ille,""Colomba,"and "Carmen" (1845) the author focuses on the clash between bourgeois morality and primitive but more just moral norms."
The emptiness and hypocrisy of bourgeois society and the power of money were depicted with irony and sarcasm in short stories and novellas written by ...
Una nuovissima edizione del racconto corso di Prosper Merimee, nella splendida traduzione di Ottone Bacaredda ampiamente riveduta e corretta. Prefazione e Nota al testo di Pierangelo Filigheddu."
Una nuovissima edizione del racconto corso di Prosper Merimee, nella splendida traduzione di Ottone Bacaredda ampiamente riveduta e corretta. Prefazio...
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable p...
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable p...
"Gogol, Nikolai Vassilievitch. Born in the government of Pultowa, March 31 (N.S.), 1809, died at Moscow, March 4 (N.S.), 1852. A Russian novelist and dramatist. He was educated in a public gymnasium at Pultowa, and subsequently in the lyceum, then newly established, at Niejinsk. In 1831 he was appointed teacher of history at the Patriotic Institution, a place which he exchanged in 1834 for the professorship of history in the University of St Petersburg. This he resigned at the end of a year and devoted himself entirely to literature. In 1836 Gogol left Russia. He lived most of the time in...
"Gogol, Nikolai Vassilievitch. Born in the government of Pultowa, March 31 (N.S.), 1809, died at Moscow, March 4 (N.S.), 1852. A Russian novelist and ...
L'oeuvre de Prosper Merimee est tres impregnee de thematiques qui le passionnaient: l'histoire et sa fiction (a l'image de Walter Scott), le mysticisme, le fantastique, le surnaturel... mais aussi les drames et derives psychologiques. On comprendra donc son attrait pour l'ecriture d'Alexandre Pouchkine. De meme, ses nombreux voyages ont modele les cadres de ses fictions, en particulier la Russie et l'Espagne. On retrouve parfois certains details se referant a ses propres deplacements, comme le fait de dessiner dans certains lieux (lui-meme etait attache aux dessins des Chats). L'archeologie...
L'oeuvre de Prosper Merimee est tres impregnee de thematiques qui le passionnaient: l'histoire et sa fiction (a l'image de Walter Scott), le mysticism...
Un soir d'hiver, cinq jeunes hommes passent la nuit a jouer, puis discutent du mysterieux pouvoir que detiendrait la comtesse Anna Fedotovna, grand-mere de l'un d'entre eux, Paul Tomski. Cette femme connaitrait une combinaison de trois cartes qui gagnerait a tous les coups au jeu de pharaon. Tomski raconte alors l'histoire de sa grand-mere. Alors qu'elle etait en France, la jeune femme frequentait Versailles et jouait beaucoup. Un soir, elle perdit une somme colossale, ce mit son mari en fureur. Elle ne trouva secours que chez le comte de Saint-Germain, qui lui revela un secret, qui lui...
Un soir d'hiver, cinq jeunes hommes passent la nuit a jouer, puis discutent du mysterieux pouvoir que detiendrait la comtesse Anna Fedotovna, grand-me...