Velado en un bosque espeso y espinoso, una princesa encantada radica dormir durante un siglo, a la espera de un principe, cuyo tiempo ha llegado para romper el hechizo.
La historia original de La Bella Durmiente en el Bosque fue escrito por Charles Perrault, el inventor del cuento de hadas moderno y creador de personajes tan atemporales como Caperucita Roja y El gato con botas. Es uno de los mas bellos y duradera de todas las historias, y ha inspirado a cientos de adaptaciones, incluyendo La Bella Durmiente y Malefica de Disney.
Esta edicion combina famosa...
Velado en un bosque espeso y espinoso, una princesa encantada radica dormir durante un siglo, a la espera de un principe, cuyo tiempo ha llegado para ...
Veiled in a thick and thorny wood, an enchanted princess lies sleeping for a century, awaiting a prince, whose time has come to break the spell.
The original tale of The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood was written by Charles Perrault, inventor of the modern fairy tale and creator of such timeless characters as Little Red Riding Hood and Puss in Boots. It is among the most beautiful and enduring of all stories, and has inspired hundreds of adaptations, including Disney's Sleeping Beauty and Maleficent.
This edition combines Soren Filipski's lively modern translation...
Veiled in a thick and thorny wood, an enchanted princess lies sleeping for a century, awaiting a prince, whose time has come to break the spell.
Perrault's Stories: English & French THIS EDITION: The stories were originally written in French. The French text has been in large part translated anew into English for this dual-language project. Essentially, the stories have been rewritten in contemporary English from the original French. The emphasis is on attaining a high correlation between each set of text fragments. The dual-language text has been arranged into sub-paragraphs and paragraphs, for quick and easy cross-referencing. The book can be read in parallel text format (side by side), but can also be read only in English, or only...
Perrault's Stories: English & French THIS EDITION: The stories were originally written in French. The French text has been in large part translated an...
Perrault's Stories: English to French THIS EDITION: The stories were originally written in French. The French text has been in large part translated anew into English for this dual-language project. Essentially, the stories have been rewritten in contemporary English from the original French. The emphasis is on attaining a high correlation between each set of text fragments. The dual-language text has been arranged into sub-paragraphs and paragraphs, for quick and easy cross-referencing. Each English text fragment is immediately followed by its French equivalent. BRIEF SYNOPSIS: This book is...
Perrault's Stories: English to French THIS EDITION: The stories were originally written in French. The French text has been in large part translated a...
PERRAULT'S STORIES: French to English THIS EDITION: The stories were originally written in French. The French text has been in large part translated anew into English for this dual-language project. Essentially, the stories have been rewritten in contemporary English from the original French. The emphasis is on attaining a high correlation between each set of text fragments. The dual-language text has been arranged into sub-paragraphs and paragraphs, for quick and easy cross-referencing. Each French text fragment is immediately followed by its English equivalent. BRIEF SYNOPSIS: This book is...
PERRAULT'S STORIES: French to English THIS EDITION: The stories were originally written in French. The French text has been in large part translated a...
En 1697 Charles Perrault publico su libro de relatos mas conocido, Historias de hadas. Perrault recopilo y reelaboro relatos de la tradicion oral: El gato con botas, Caperucita Roja, Barba-azul, la bella durmiente, entre otros."
En 1697 Charles Perrault publico su libro de relatos mas conocido, Historias de hadas. Perrault recopilo y reelaboro relatos de la tradicion oral: El ...
Amapola (Caperucita roja) es un cuento de hadas de transmision oral de gran parte de Europa que luego se ha plasmado en diferentes escritos, llamado asi por el hecho de que la protagonista lleva puesta siempre una caperuza de color rojo. El relato marca un claro contraste entre el poblado, seguro, y el bosque, peligroso, una contraposicion habitual en el mundo medieval. EDICION EN LETRA GRANDE."
Amapola (Caperucita roja) es un cuento de hadas de transmision oral de gran parte de Europa que luego se ha plasmado en diferentes escritos, llamado a...
This is a collection of the famous Mother Goose fairy tales that have been popular with kids for generations. From the intro: "What virtues do these stories possess that have kept them alive for so long a time? They have to some degree stimulated and nourished qualities of supreme worth in individual and social life. With the young the struggle against greed and falsehood and pride and cowardice is a very real one, and situations in which these homely, fundamental traits are involved are full of interest and seriousness. Again, to mature people the reward of well-doing and the punishment of...
This is a collection of the famous Mother Goose fairy tales that have been popular with kids for generations. From the intro: "What virtues do these s...