Nail down the facts, tear down the barriers The Catechism of the Catholic Church is over nine hundred pages long, so it comes as no surprise that many Catholics think of their faith as complex and certainly too complex to share with others "A Well-Built Faith" cleverly developed around a construction theme makes it easy and flat-out fun for any Catholic to know what they believe and to feel confident in sharing those beliefs with others. The eighteen-chapter book at times profound, at times humorous, always practical follows the structure of the four pillars of the Catechism of the...
Nail down the facts, tear down the barriers The Catechism of the Catholic Church is over nine hundred pages long, so it comes as no surprise that m...
In The Bible Blueprint, best-selling author Joe Paprocki makes understanding the Bible not only easy for the person in the pew, but downright fun Using witty cartoons, thought-provoking sidebars, and short quizzes to supplement his easy-to-grasp teachings on the Bible, Paprocki guides lay Catholics to a solid understanding of the structure, organization, and purpose of God's Word. Among numerous other topics, Paprocki covers the different genres of biblical writing, key figures in biblical history, and the methods Catholics rely on to interpret the Bible. As readers increase...
In The Bible Blueprint, best-selling author Joe Paprocki makes understanding the Bible not only easy for the person in the pew, but downrig...