In the last five years or so there has been an important renaissance in the area of (mathematical) modeling, identification and (stochastic) control. It was the purpose of the Advanced Study Institute of which the present volume constitutes the proceedings to review recent developments in this area with par- ticular emphasis on identification and filtering and to do so in such a manner that the material is accessible to a wide variety of both embryo scientists and the various breeds of established researchers to whom identification, filtering, etc. are important (such as control engineers,...
In the last five years or so there has been an important renaissance in the area of (mathematical) modeling, identification and (stochastic) control. ...
This Festschrift, published on the occasion of the sixtieth birthday of Yutaka - mamoto ('YY' as he is occasionally casually referred to), contains a collection of articles by friends, colleagues, and former Ph.D. students of YY. They are a tribute to his friendship and his scienti?c vision and oeuvre, which has been a source of inspiration to the authors. Yutaka Yamamoto was born in Kyoto, Japan, on March 29, 1950. He studied applied mathematics and general engineering science at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics of Kyoto University, obtaining the B.S. and M.Sc. degrees in...
This Festschrift, published on the occasion of the sixtieth birthday of Yutaka - mamoto ('YY' as he is occasionally casually referred to), contains a ...
The acquisition of knowledge about systems and the processing of information about them are key features of modern control engineering technology. This is the theme for a volume of articles setting out the scope and content to be covered at the European Control Conference (ECC '93) in Groningen, the Netherlands. The book provides a broad overview of the field of control and a discussion of its development both from a theoretical and an engineering perspective. It contains the fully developed articles on which the plenary addresses and mini-courses of the Conference are based.
The acquisition of knowledge about systems and the processing of information about them are key features of modern control engineering technology. Thi...
The problem of obtaining dynamical models directly from an observed time-series occurs in many fields of application. There are a number of possible approaches to this problem. In this volume a number of such points of view are exposed: the statistical time series approach, a theory of guaranted performance, and finally a deterministic approximation approach. This volume is an out-growth of a number of get-togethers sponsered by the Systems and Decision Sciences group of the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Laxenburg, Austria. The hospitality and support of this...
The problem of obtaining dynamical models directly from an observed time-series occurs in many fields of application. There are a number of possible a...
H. L. Trentelman Jan C. Willems H. L. Trenglishtelman
This book contains the text of the plenary lectures and the mini-courses of the European Control Conference (ECC'93) held in Groningen, the Netherlands, June 2S-July 1, 1993. However, the book is not your usu- al conference proceedings. Instead, the authors took this occasion to take a broad overview of the field of control and discuss its development both from a theoretical as well as from an engineering perpective. The first essay is by the key-note speaker ofthe conference, A.G.J. Mac- Farlane. It consists of a non-technical discussion of information processing and knowledge acquisition as...
This book contains the text of the plenary lectures and the mini-courses of the European Control Conference (ECC'93) held in Groningen, the Netherland...