Since German unification, there have been many reports about xenophobia in Germany and the government has attempted to stem the new wave of racism. In contrast, the voices of the victims of racism -- refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants -- are seldom heard.
This first anthology of essays by significant writers from minority groups in Germany -- Turks, Afro-Germans, German Jews, Eastern Europeans and others -- sheds new light on the diverse experiences of minority groups living in Germany today. It also introduces to English-speaking audiences innovative literary talents whose...
Since German unification, there have been many reports about xenophobia in Germany and the government has attempted to stem the new wave of racism....
Alternde Gesellschaft, erhöhte Pflegebedürftigkeit,Personalnotstand - Das vorliegende Buch gibt einen Einblick in dieLebenswelt von Pflegeheimbewohnern. Anhand einer dreimonatigenempirischen Studie in einem Dresdner Pflegeheim wird untersucht, obund welche Zwangsstrukturen sich aus den Lebensbedingungen desPflegeheims für die Bewohner ergeben. Bezugspunkt stellt dabei dasKonzept der "Totalen Institution" des amerikanischen SoziologenErving Goffman dar. Inwiefern hat seine über 40 Jahrezurückliegende Studie in einer psychiatrischen Klinik heute nochRelevanz? Die Autorinnen fokussieren vor...
Alternde Gesellschaft, erhöhte Pflegebedürftigkeit,Personalnotstand - Das vorliegende Buch gibt einen Einblick in dieLebenswelt von Pflegeheimbewohn...
Since German unification, there have been many reports about xenophobia in Germany and the government has attempted to stem the wave of racism. This collection of essays, by writers from minority groups in Germany, sheds light on the diverse experiences of minority groups living in Germany.
Since German unification, there have been many reports about xenophobia in Germany and the government has attempted to stem the wave of racism. This c...