This monograph deals with a major problem of New Testament exegetical and related studies - the attitude of Jesus to the Mosaic Law. While much has been written on the subject, a fresh approach in the light of the insights of, for instance, redaction-criticism and our increased knowledge of attitudes to the Law in Inter-testamental Judaism has become overdue. Dr Banks' book is concerned centrally with a detailed exegesis of the texts in the first three Gospels relevant to the ethical teaching and practice of Jesus as it related to Jewish Law. This examination is preceded by an account of the...
This monograph deals with a major problem of New Testament exegetical and related studies - the attitude of Jesus to the Mosaic Law. While much has be...
This volume celebrates the life and writing of R. Paul Stevens, whose lifetime of teaching has focused on equipping the whole people of God for leadership.Playing Heaven contains the majority of the shorter pieces published by Dr. Stevens in two of Regent College's journals, Crux and Vocatio. This stimulating collection invites the reader to rediscover the many ways in which we are called to participate in God's purposes in the world.
This volume celebrates the life and writing of R. Paul Stevens, whose lifetime of teaching has focused on equipping the whole people of God for leader...