This study of biological invasions introduces dynamic concepts into biogeography and spatial concepts into ecology. By using mathematical models from epidemiology and human geography generalizations can be made and it is shown that apparently static species ranges contain dynamic internal parameters.
This study of biological invasions introduces dynamic concepts into biogeography and spatial concepts into ecology. By using mathematical models from ...
All systems produce waste as part of a cycle--bacteria, humans, combustion engines, even one as large and complex as a city. To some extent, this waste can be absorbed, processed, or recycled--though never completely. In Wasted World, Rob Hengeveld reveals how a long history of human consumption has left our world drowning in this waste.This is a compelling and urgent work that traces the related histories of population growth and resource consumption. As Hengeveld explains, human life (and population growth) depends not only on mineral resources but also on energy. People first...
All systems produce waste as part of a cycle--bacteria, humans, combustion engines, even one as large and complex as a city. To some extent, this w...
This book spells out the theoretical structure, methodology and philosophy of the science of autecology. The autecological approach focuses on the interactions of individual organisms (and their species-specific adaptations) with the spatio-temporal dynamics of their environment as a basis for interpreting patterns of diversity and abundance in natural systems. This organism-based approach to ecological interpretation provides a strong alternative to more traditional approaches and relates mechanistically to the underlying disciplines of anatomy, physiology, and behavior. The book includes...
This book spells out the theoretical structure, methodology and philosophy of the science of autecology. The autecological approach focuses on the ...