European integration is one of the most ambitious and socially far-reaching developments in world politics and in world economics. Against growing opposition and despite increasing social heterogeneity, the European Union continues to expand and to acquire new competences. But to what extent is the self-proclaimed "ever closer union among the peoples of Europe" a social reality? In which ways is the political European project anchored in social developments? How does social change impinge upon political integration?
Societal trends in multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-lingual and...
European integration is one of the most ambitious and socially far-reaching developments in world politics and in world economics. Against growing ...
European integration is one of the most ambitious and socially far-reaching developments in world politics and in world economics. Against growing opposition and despite increasing social heterogeneity, the European Union continues to expand and to acquire new competences. But to what extent is the self-proclaimed "ever closer union among the peoples of Europe" a social reality? In which ways is the political European project anchored in social developments? How does social change impinge upon political integration?
Societal trends in multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-lingual and...
European integration is one of the most ambitious and socially far-reaching developments in world politics and in world economics. Against growing ...
A multidiscplinary contribution to the debate on globalization and regionalism. Refuting simple notions of globalization, its contributors argue that location and space will remain important dimensions of economic and social development.
A multidiscplinary contribution to the debate on globalization and regionalism. Refuting simple notions of globalization, its contributors argue that ...
Globalization is one of the buzz-words in the 1990s. It points to a world in which geographic location becomes increasingly irrelevant, a vision that has aroused both hopes and fears. Surprisingly, globalization is accompanied by increasing regionalization. This volume is a timely contribution to the debate on globalization and regionalism. Coming from several disciplines, its contributors explore the consequences of a world with no geographical barriers. Refuting simple notions of globalization, they argue that location and space will remain important dimensions of economic and social...
Globalization is one of the buzz-words in the 1990s. It points to a world in which geographic location becomes increasingly irrelevant, a vision that ...
Die politischen, wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Beziehungen zwi schen den Uindem Europas sind in den vergangenen Jahren irnmer enger ge worden. Die Menschen sind sieh dieser Verflochtenheit auch bewuJ3t. Der Bedarf an verliilllichen Informationen liber die Lander Europas wachst. Die Nachfrage von Firmen und BehOrden, von Regierungen und Biirgem, von Lehrenden und Studierenden nach "europaischem" Wissen nirnmt zu. Ihnen geht es nieht nur urn statistische Daten. Gefragt sind Zusarnmenhange, Ursa chen und Entwieklungstendenzen, typische Probleme und Problemlosungen, zugleich...
Die politischen, wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Beziehungen zwi schen den Uindem Europas sind in den vergangenen Jahren irnmer enger ge worde...