This book is not an intellectual history or popular summary of recent work on consciousness in humans. Bernard Baars (1988), Edelman and Tononi (2000), and many others, have written such, and done it well indeed. This book, rather, brings the powerful analytic machinery of communication theory to bear on the Global Neuronal Workspace (GNW) model of consciousness which Baars introduced, and does so in a formal mathematical manner. It is not the first such attempt. The philospher Fred Dretske (1981), indep- dent of Baars, long ago outlined how information theory might illuminate the...
This book is not an intellectual history or popular summary of recent work on consciousness in humans. Bernard Baars (1988), Edelman and Tononi (2000)...
An indictment of the decision to close fire companies in New York City in the 1970s, and a frightening study of the way misguided and malevolent social policy can spark a chain reaction of enormous and unforeseen urban collapse.
An indictment of the decision to close fire companies in New York City in the 1970s, and a frightening study of the way misguided and malevolent socia...
An earlier book by Rodrick Wallace entitled Consciousness: A Mathematical Treatment of the Global Neuronal Workspace Model, introduced a formal information-theoretic approach to individual consciousness implementing approaches developed previously by the cognitive scientist Bernard Baars and the philosopher Fred Dretske.
This book takes a more formal 'groupoid' perspective and generalizes the results of that book to processes of 'distributed cognition' characteristic of large institutions that can entertain several, sometimes many, simultaneous 'global workspaces' which must compete...
An earlier book by Rodrick Wallace entitled Consciousness: A Mathematical Treatment of the Global Neuronal Workspace Model, introduced a formal inf...
Farming Human Pathogens: Ecological Resilience and Evolutionary Process
introduces a cutting-edge mathematical formalism based on the asymptotic limit theorems of information theory to describe how punctuated shifts in mesoscale ecosystems can entrain patterns of gene expression and organismal evolution. The authors apply the new formalism toward characterizing a number of infectious diseases that have evolved in response to the world as humans have made it. Many of the human pathogens that are emerging out from underneath epidemiological control are 'farmed' in the metaphorical...
Farming Human Pathogens: Ecological Resilience and Evolutionary Process
introduces a cutting-edge mathematical formalism based on the asy...
An earlier book by Rodrick Wallace entitled Consciousness: A Mathematical Treatment of the Global Neuronal Workspace Model, introduced a formal information-theoretic approach to individual consciousness implementing approaches developed previously by the cognitive scientist Bernard Baars and the philosopher Fred Dretske.
This book takes a more formal 'groupoid' perspective and generalizes the results of that book to processes of 'distributed cognition' characteristic of large institutions that can entertain several, sometimes many, simultaneous 'global workspaces' which must compete...
An earlier book by Rodrick Wallace entitled Consciousness: A Mathematical Treatment of the Global Neuronal Workspace Model, introduced a formal inf...
Protein folding dysfunctions like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases present intractable medical challenges: drug treatments are, at best, palliative, failing to alter ultimate disease course. Effective intervention will require a deeper understanding of protein folding and its regulation, particularly in view of a sixfold rise in the inflation-adjusted cost of bringing drugs to market since 1950. As a consequence, the pharmaceutical industry has sharply curtailed research on a range of poorly-understood afflictions, including Alzheimer's Disease. That is, in all likelihood, there will not...
Protein folding dysfunctions like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases present intractable medical challenges: drug treatments are, at best, palliativ...