The author argues that we should not be diverted by the East Asian 'meltdown', which is a predictable outcome of global dynamics. Of real concern, however, is the 'hidden crisis', which has been inadvertently engineered by neoliberal economists who dominate the world's financial institutions. They are the global crisis makers, who have convinced governments to abandon strategic leadership and to impose crippling deflationary policies. By employing the innovative theoretical empirical work published in his recent series of remarkable books, Graeme Snooks shows how this threat to progress and...
The author argues that we should not be diverted by the East Asian 'meltdown', which is a predictable outcome of global dynamics. Of real concern, how...
Neo-classical economics is frequently criticised for paying inadequate attention to historical processes. However, it has proved easier to make broad claims that history matters' than to theorise with any depth about the appropriate role for history in economic analysis. Historical Analysis in Economics considers what history can contribute to the science of economics: how would it matter if history mattered?'
Neo-classical economics is frequently criticised for paying inadequate attention to historical processes. However, it has proved easier to make broad ...
Was the Industrial Revolution Necessary? takes an innovative look at this much studied subject. The contributors ask new questions, explore new issues and use new data in order to stimulate interest and elicit new responses. By looking at it from such previously unexplored angles the book brings a new understanding to the Industrial Revolution and opens a new debate.
Was the Industrial Revolution Necessary? takes an innovative look at this much studied subject. The contributors ask new questions, explore n...
Was the Industrial Revolution Necessary? takes an innovative look at this much studied subject. The contributors ask new questions, explore new issues and use new data in order to stimulate interest and elicit new responses. By looking at it from such previously unexplored angles the book brings a new understanding to the Industrial Revolution and opens a new debate.
Was the Industrial Revolution Necessary? takes an innovative look at this much studied subject. The contributors ask new questions, explore n...
This book discusses the nature and process of change in human society over the past 2 million years. The author draws on economic, historical and biological concepts to examine the driving forces of change and looks to likely developments in the future.
This book discusses the nature and process of change in human society over the past 2 million years. The author draws on economic, historical and biol...
This is an original and controversial reflection on the course of human history and a remarkable attempt to develop a scientific model of laws for the social sciences. It: * considers the nature of laws and the reasons we might expect to find them in history * employs an underlying framework concerning societal dynamics, historical change, and institutional change, which are in fact the laws of history. This volume consolidates the author's previous research in The Dynamic Society and The Ephemeral Civilization.
This is an original and controversial reflection on the course of human history and a remarkable attempt to develop a scientific model of laws for the...
This is a book about real time in economics, a dimension increasingly unused by the leading edge of the profession. This, it is argued, has serious implications for economics role as the premier policy-advising source for national governments and international organisations. It is also a book about the great waves of economic change that are surging out of the distant past and into the future - waves of change that economists have failed even to identify let alone analyse. It however challenges economics to put its house in order before it is engulfed by this rising tide. But, the question is...
This is a book about real time in economics, a dimension increasingly unused by the leading edge of the profession. This, it is argued, has serious im...
The author of this work argues that we should not be diverted by the East Asian "meltdown", which is a predictable outcome of global dynamics. Of real concern, however, is the "hidden crisis", which has been engineered by neoliberal economists who dominate the world's financial institutions.
The author of this work argues that we should not be diverted by the East Asian "meltdown", which is a predictable outcome of global dynamics. Of real...