Social housing appears to offer a solution for the housing of poor and disadvantaged people. The French "right to housing" offers poor and disadvantaged citizens priority in social housing allocation, and even a legal action against the State to obtain a social home. Despite this, France is suffering a long-lasting housing crisis with disadvantaged people having particular difficulties of access, often despite the efforts of local housing actors. This situation is affected by the European Court of Human Rights and EU decisions limiting diverse national housing and rental policies.
Social housing appears to offer a solution for the housing of poor and disadvantaged people. The French "right to housing" offers poor and disadvan...
The Camino Frances is a 500 mile long pilgrimage across northern Spain. Jane and Charlotte are two retired sisters from the UK, who, despite poor health and despite not being especially fit, decide they can manage this huge trek, carrying all their kit on their backs. This gently amusing book is their account of that journey: honest, illuminating and informative. They describe the places they see and the people they meet, including a few photos to give a taste of the wonderful, but challenging journey they experienced. They describe the highs - of which there were many - and the lows - of...
The Camino Frances is a 500 mile long pilgrimage across northern Spain. Jane and Charlotte are two retired sisters from the UK, who, despite poor heal...