A GODLY GAME PLAN FOR THE MANLY MAN OK, guys, this book's for you. It's designed especially for manly men who love sports -- guys who'd rather watch Peyton Manning and Kurt Schilling than some fluffy chick flick. You're into NFL receivers, the best arms in the Majors, the best guards in the NBA, and NASCAR drivers. But you're also a guy who tries to spend time in God's Word and get your plays called by the Coach upstairs. Dennis "The Swan" Swanberg has you and your sports-minded buddies in mind in Man Does Not Live by Sports Alone, because this upbeat, humorous...
A GODLY GAME PLAN FOR THE MANLY MAN OK, guys, this book's for you. It's designed especially for manly men who love sports -- guys who'...
Dennis Swanberg, "The Minister of Encouragement," delivers deliciously funny and delightfully heart-nourishing stories that will help you feel better and live longer. Well, at least feel better. With every page you will find yourself snickering at the antics of people from Swanberg's past or laughing at stories that reveal a side of life you recognize as your own. From "Funeral-Home Fans and Tongue Depressors" to "Zipper Revenge," you will find Swanberg's humor contagious and his heartwarming view of life a great source of encouragement. Have a taste of life from Dennis Swanberg's Soup &...
Dennis Swanberg, "The Minister of Encouragement," delivers deliciously funny and delightfully heart-nourishing stories that will help you feel better ...