In a devastating expose in the tradition of Silent Spring and Fast Food Nation, investigative journalist Randall Fitzgerald warns how thousands of man-made chemicals in our food, water, medicine, and environment are making humans the most polluted species on the planet. A century ago, when Congress enacted the Pure Food and Drug Act, Americans were promised -better living through chemistry.- Fitzgerald provides overwhelming evidence to shatter this myth, and many others perpetrated by the chemical, pharmaceutical, and processed foods industries. Consider this: - The...
In a devastating expose in the tradition of Silent Spring and Fast Food Nation, investigative journalist Randall Fitzgerald warns how th...
For fifteen-thousand years, the elves have battled the hippocamp races to protect their homeland. Though it has been this way for untold ages, war will always touch some more than others. Socair has dedicated her life to being a warrior. She is a pillar of strength and justice, but those around her do not always share her purity of motivation. Oraithe has never led a gifted life and neither would she wish for one. The highborn elves of the desert have made her life miserable and she can think of no better way to repay them but in kind. Rianaire is the carefree ruler of the mountain elves of...
For fifteen-thousand years, the elves have battled the hippocamp races to protect their homeland. Though it has been this way for untold ages, war wil...