Are you guilty of e-mail "trigger finger"? Do you constantly "cc" people you never even see? What are today's rules for conducting business over the Internet? Now, The Elements of Style meets "the Miss Manners of memos" in the ultimate writing guide for the digital age. In an era when written communication in the workplace is more crucial than ever, at a time when many professionals all but completely eschew face-to-face dealings, E-writing is poised to become the new bible of business writing. Accessible and inviting, this Web-savvy "how-to" book promises to transform...
Are you guilty of e-mail "trigger finger"? Do you constantly "cc" people you never even see? What are today's rules for conducting business over the I...
Business communication is often tricky; the line between professional and impersonal is difficult to parse, and arriving at the perfect tone can take more time than many of us have to spare. To the Letter: A Handbook of Model Letters for the Busy Executive is the solution. With pre-written letters and over 1,500 customizable phrases for nearly any occasion, this book is a major time saver Copy a letter exactly or use it as a starting point for your own to make professional communication quick and easy.
Customizable pre-written business communications
Business communication is often tricky; the line between professional and impersonal...
Los cristianos necesitan ser oradores sin temor cuando presentan sus ideas a clientes, colegas y jefes en el trabajo, y cuando proclaman su fe y sus valores ante amigos y familiares en la iglesia y en otras situaciones que requieran hablar en publico. Este libro le ayudara a despojarse del miedo de hablar ante un grupo, y a cultivar un estilo de presentacion natural y animado para que pueda informar, inspirar o persuadir a los demas.
Los cristianos necesitan ser oradores sin temor cuando presentan sus ideas a clientes, colegas y jefes en el trabajo, y cuando proclaman su fe y sus v...
An essential guidebook for honing business communication skills...
Communications expert Dianna Booher provides an essential nine-point checklist for success in the art of communication and persuasion for building solid relationships, and for increasing credibility in the workplace. With lessons from politics, pop culture, business, family life, and current events, the book identifies common reasons that communicators fail to accomplish their goals, along with examples and analyses of messages that succeed and those that fail.
An essential guidebook for honing business communication skills...
Communications expert Dianna Booher provides an essential nine...