L'apparition d'une bete monstrueuse en 1866 aux quatre coins des mers defraie la chronique. L'animal, rapide, fusiforme et phosphorescent, est responsable de plusieurs naufrages, brisant le bois des navires avec une force colossale. De retour d'une expedition dans le Nebraska, Pierre Aronnax, professeur suppleant au Museum d'histoire naturelle de Paris, emet l'hypothese d'un narval geant. Les compagnies d'assurances maritimes menacent d'augmenter leurs prix et demandent que le monstre soit elimine. Une grande chasse est alors organisee a bord de l'Abraham-Lincoln, fleuron de la marine...
L'apparition d'une bete monstrueuse en 1866 aux quatre coins des mers defraie la chronique. L'animal, rapide, fusiforme et phosphorescent, est respons...
Apres la fin de la Guerre de Secession, le Gun Club de Baltimore, club d'artilleurs, vegete par manque d'activite. Son president, Impey Barbicane, propose tres serieusement d'envoyer un boulet de canon sur la Lune. Apres plusieurs reunions, le Gun Club s'organise et lance une collecte de fonds en direction de toute la planete. Apres avoir recolte l'argent necessaire, le projet prend forme sous la forme d'un gigantesque canon d'une conception inspiree des Columbiad americains. La volonte du club est de mener l'experience sur le territoire des Etats-Unis. Apres s'etre renseigne aupres de...
Apres la fin de la Guerre de Secession, le Gun Club de Baltimore, club d'artilleurs, vegete par manque d'activite. Son president, Impey Barbicane, pro...
Ce roman decrit les aventures des trois hommes (Nicholl, Barbicane et Michel Ardan) qui sont montes dans un obus tire par un immense canon pour les envoyer vers la Lune. En depit de ses invraisemblances et de ses erreurs (lancement par un canon, pesanteur presente sauf au "point neutre," etc), le roman s'est avere etonnamment premonitoire par rapport a la mission Apollo 8: l'initiative du voyage dans la Lune a bien ete prise par les Americains, le depart de la mission americaine a eu lieu a Cap Canaveral, a quelques centaines de kilometres seulement de l'endroit choisi par Verne en Floride,...
Ce roman decrit les aventures des trois hommes (Nicholl, Barbicane et Michel Ardan) qui sont montes dans un obus tire par un immense canon pour les en...
The story begins in May 1863, in the Lidenbrock house in Hamburg, Germany, with Professor Lidenbrock rushing home to peruse his latest purchase, an original runic manuscript of an Icelandic saga written by Snorri Sturluson ("Heimskringla"; the chronicle of the Norwegian kings who ruled over Iceland). While looking through the book, Lidenbrock and his nephew Axel find a coded note written in runic script. (This was a first indication of Verne's love for cryptography. Coded, cryptic or incomplete messages as a plot device would continue to appear in many of his works and in each case Verne...
The story begins in May 1863, in the Lidenbrock house in Hamburg, Germany, with Professor Lidenbrock rushing home to peruse his latest purchase, an or...
It has been some time since the end of the American Civil War. The Gun Club, a society based in Baltimore and dedicated to the design of weapons of all kinds (especially cannons), meets when Impey Barbicane, its president, calls them to support his idea: according to his calculations, a cannon can shoot a projectile so that it reaches the moon. After receiving the whole support of his companions, a few of them meet to decide the place from where the projectile will be shot, the dimensions and makings of both the cannon and the projectile, and which kind of powder are they to use. An old enemy...
It has been some time since the end of the American Civil War. The Gun Club, a society based in Baltimore and dedicated to the design of weapons of al...
A scholar and explorer, Dr. Samuel Fergusson, accompanied by his manservant Joe and his friend professional hunter Richard "Dick" Kennedy, sets out to travel across the African continent - still not fully explored - with the help of a balloon filled with hydrogen. He has invented a mechanism that, by eliminating the need to release gas or throw ballast overboard to control his altitude, allows very long trips to be taken. This voyage is meant to link together the voyages of Sir Richard Burton and John Hanning Speke in East Africa with those of Heinrich Barth in the regions of the Sahara and...
A scholar and explorer, Dr. Samuel Fergusson, accompanied by his manservant Joe and his friend professional hunter Richard "Dick" Kennedy, sets out to...
The story starts in London on Tuesday, October 1, 1872. Fogg is a rich English gentleman living in solitude. Despite his wealth, Fogg lives a modest life with habits carried out with mathematical precision. Very little can be said about his social life other than that he is a member of the Reform Club. Having dismissed his former valet, James Foster, for bringing him shaving water at 84 F (29 C) instead of 86 F (30 C), Fogg hires a Frenchman by the name of Jean Passepartout as a replacement. At the Reform Club, Fogg gets involved in an argument over an article in The Daily Telegraph stating...
The story starts in London on Tuesday, October 1, 1872. Fogg is a rich English gentleman living in solitude. Despite his wealth, Fogg lives a modest l...
Having been fired out of the giant Columbiad space gun, the Baltimore Gun Club's bullet-shaped projectile, along with its three passengers, Barbicane, Nicholl and Michel Ardan, begins the five-day trip to the moon. A few minutes into the journey, a small, bright asteroid passes within a few hundred yards of them, but luckily does not collide with the projectile. The asteroid had been captured by the Earth's gravity and had become a second moon. The three travelers undergo a series of adventures and misadventures during the rest of the journey, including disposing of the body of a dog out a...
Having been fired out of the giant Columbiad space gun, the Baltimore Gun Club's bullet-shaped projectile, along with its three passengers, Barbicane,...
Ce roman decrit les aventures des trois hommes (Nicholl, Barbicane et Michel Ardan) qui sont montes dans un obus tire par un immense canon pour les envoyer vers la Lune. En depit de ses invraisemblances et de ses erreurs (lancement par un canon, pesanteur presente sauf au "point neutre," etc), le roman s'est avere etonnamment premonitoire par rapport a la mission Apollo 8: l'initiative du voyage dans la Lune a bien ete prise par les Americains, le depart de la mission americaine a eu lieu a Cap Canaveral, a quelques centaines de kilometres seulement de l'endroit choisi par Verne en Floride,...
Ce roman decrit les aventures des trois hommes (Nicholl, Barbicane et Michel Ardan) qui sont montes dans un obus tire par un immense canon pour les en...
Apres la fin de la Guerre de Secession, le Gun Club de Baltimore, club d'artilleurs, vegete par manque d'activite. Son president, Impey Barbicane, propose tres serieusement d'envoyer un boulet de canon sur la Lune. Apres plusieurs reunions, le Gun Club s'organise et lance une collecte de fonds en direction de toute la planete. Apres avoir recolte l'argent necessaire, le projet prend forme sous la forme d'un gigantesque canon d'une conception inspiree des Columbiad americains. La volonte du club est de mener l'experience sur le territoire des Etats-Unis. Apres s'etre renseigne aupres de...
Apres la fin de la Guerre de Secession, le Gun Club de Baltimore, club d'artilleurs, vegete par manque d'activite. Son president, Impey Barbicane, pro...