Fao &. Agriculture Organization Food Food and Agriculture Organization of the
Proceedings of the expert consultation prepared by the Animal Production and Health Division, FHO. Topics covered by the contributors include: biotechnology the frontiers of knowledge and methodologies, animal reproduction, animal genetics, animal growth, lactation, and fiber production, animal nutr
Proceedings of the expert consultation prepared by the Animal Production and Health Division, FHO. Topics covered by the contributors include: biotech...
Food and Agriculture Organization of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
Knowledge of animal genetic resources is fundamental to their sustainable use, development and conservation. These guidelines provide advice on how to draw up a strategy for meeting national needs for data and information on animal genetic resources. They also offer practical advice on how to plan and implement an animal genetic resources survey--covering the whole process from planning the survey to disseminating the outputs and taking the first steps in translating results into action.
Knowledge of animal genetic resources is fundamental to their sustainable use, development and conservation. These guidelines provide advice on how to...
Food and Agriculture Organization of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
Alors que la plupart des organisations ont investi massivement dans l'analyse de la securite alimentaire et de la recherche, nombreux sont ceux ont besoin d'ameliorer leurs communications afin d'assurer que leurs conclusions rejoignent leurs utilisateurs prevus. Cette trousse a outils vise a aider les professionnels de la securite alimentaire a developper une strategie de communication et de communiquer plus efficacement avec leurs publics cibles. Bien que destine aux professionnels travaillant dans des domaines de securite alimentaire, les lecons de cette trousse d'outils peuvent facilement...
Alors que la plupart des organisations ont investi massivement dans l'analyse de la securite alimentaire et de la recherche, nombreux sont ceux ont be...