Available in English for the first time, Hegel and the Freedom of Moderns revives discussion of the major political and philosophical tenets underlying contemporary liberalism through a revolutionary interpretation of G. W. F. Hegel s thought. Domenico Losurdo, one of the world s leading Hegelians, reveals that the philosopher was fully engaged with the political controversies of his time. In so doing, he shows how the issues addressed by Hegel in the nineteenth century resonate with many of the central political concerns of today, among them questions of community, nation,...
Available in English for the first time, Hegel and the Freedom of Moderns revives discussion of the major political and philosophical tenets un...
Available in English for the first time, Hegel and the Freedom of Moderns revives discussion of the major political and philosophical tenets underlying contemporary liberalism through a revolutionary interpretation of G. W. F. Hegel s thought. Domenico Losurdo, one of the world s leading Hegelians, reveals that the philosopher was fully engaged with the political controversies of his time. In so doing, he shows how the issues addressed by Hegel in the nineteenth century resonate with many of the central political concerns of today, among them questions of community, nation,...
Available in English for the first time, Hegel and the Freedom of Moderns revives discussion of the major political and philosophical tenets un...
Hegel hat sich mit den zentralen Problemen der Freiheit der Modernen auseinandergesetzt: Unverletzlichkeit der Privatsphare, aber auch -Recht zu leben- und damit die Notwendigkeit des Eingreifens der Staatsgewalt in die Okonomie; Legitimitat der Revolutionen, die den Anbruch der Moderne gekennzeichnet haben, aber auch Notwendigkeit, den neuen Bedurfnissen und den neuen Forderungen rechtsstaatliche Konkretheit zu verleihen. Wie soll man sich also das immer noch kursierende Stereotyp erklaren, das den Philosophen als Theoretiker der Restauration abstempelt? Die Geschichte des Hegelbildes ist...
Hegel hat sich mit den zentralen Problemen der Freiheit der Modernen auseinandergesetzt: Unverletzlichkeit der Privatsphare, aber auch -Recht zu leben...
In this definitive historical investigation, Italian author and philosopher Domenico Losurdo argues that from the outset liberalism, as a philosophical position and ideology, has been bound up with the most illiberal of policies: slavery, colonialism, genocide, racism and snobbery. Narrating an intellectual history running from the eighteenth through to the twentieth centuries, Losurdo examines the thought of preeminent liberal writers such as Locke, Burke, Tocqueville, Constant, Bentham, and Sieyes, revealing the inner contradictions of an intellectual position that has exercised a...
In this definitive historical investigation, Italian author and philosopher Domenico Losurdo argues that from the outset liberalism, as a philosophica...
We know of the blood and tears provoked by the projects of transformation of the world through war or revolution. Starting from the essay published in 1921 by Walter Benjamin, twentieth century philosophy has been committed to the criticism of violence, even when it has claimed to follow noble ends. But what do we know of the dilemmas, of the "betrayals," of the disappointments and tragedies which the movement of non-violence has suffered? This book tells a fascinating history: from the American Christian organizations in the first decades of the nineteenth century who wanted to eliminate...
We know of the blood and tears provoked by the projects of transformation of the world through war or revolution. Starting from the essay published in...
La fin de la guerre froide, a defaut de signifier la fin de l histoire en tant que telle signifie-t-elle l adieu a tout projet de transformation radicale des rapports politico-sociaux sur le plan interieur comme sur le plan international? Sommes-nous entres dans une nouvelle epoque historique? En quoi se differencie-t-elle des epoques precedentes? Comment situer en ce contexte la naissance du monde moderne, la revolution francaise et la revolution d Octobre? Plus generalement, que doit-on comprendre par epoque historique et est-il possible de definir celle-ci en reference a une echelle...
La fin de la guerre froide, a defaut de signifier la fin de l histoire en tant que telle signifie-t-elle l adieu a tout projet de transformation radic...
We know of the blood and tears provoked by the projects of transformation of the world through war or revolution. Starting from the essay published in 1921 by Walter Benjamin, twentieth century philosophy has been committed to the criticism of violence, even when it has claimed to follow noble ends. But what do we know of the dilemmas, of the -betrayals, - of the disappointments and tragedies which the movement of non-violence has suffered? This book tells a fascinating history: from the American Christian organizations in the first decades of the nineteenth century who wanted to eliminate...
We know of the blood and tears provoked by the projects of transformation of the world through war or revolution. Starting from the essay published in...