Cell Culture Methods for in vitro Toxicology introduces the reader to a range of techniques involved in the use of in vitro cell culture in toxicological studies. It deals with major cell types studied in the field of toxicology and will be useful for anyone wishing to start work with animal cell cultures or to refresh their knowledge relating to in vitro cell models. Fundamental chapters deal with the general biology of cytotoxicity and cell immortalisation these are key issues for in vitro systems addressing the 3Rs' principle. Up-to-date overviews deal...
Cell Culture Methods for in vitro Toxicology introduces the reader to a range of techniques involved in the use of in vitro cell cul...
There has been a growing awareness in recent years of the need for safe and regulated handling of biological materials in order to prevent health hazards and environmental contamination. Although individual governments have their own regulations, there is no comprehensive guide to safe laboratory practice. This book provides practical information for the routine handling of cell and tissue culture, giving guidelines on the setting up of safe laboratory practice and details of the national and international regulations covering the safe handling of biological materials. The book should be...
There has been a growing awareness in recent years of the need for safe and regulated handling of biological materials in order to prevent health haza...
Cell Culture Methods for in vitro Toxicology introduces the reader to a range of techniques involved in the use of in vitro cell culture in toxicological studies. It deals with major cell types studied in the field of toxicology and will be useful for anyone wishing to start work with animal cell cultures or to refresh their knowledge relating to in vitro cell models. Fundamental chapters deal with the general biology of cytotoxicity and cell immortalisation these are key issues for in vitro systems addressing the 3Rs' principle. Up-to-date overviews deal...
Cell Culture Methods for in vitro Toxicology introduces the reader to a range of techniques involved in the use of in vitro cell cul...
It is now more than half a century since animal cells first came into regular use in the laboratory. Instances of laboratory acquired infection and con tamination of therapeutic products, derived from the use of animal cell cultures are rare. The use of animal cells, in addition to an established role in the production of vaccines and therapeutic proteins, has many new medical applications including gene therapy, tissue engineering and cell therapy. Furthermore, C;ldvances in molecular and cell biology are enabling rapid development and application of these technologies and the development of...
It is now more than half a century since animal cells first came into regular use in the laboratory. Instances of laboratory acquired infection and co...