Just as mass-market magazines and cheap books have played important roles in the creation of an American identity, those skilled craftsmen (and women) whose careers are the subjects of Ronald Weber's narrative profoundly influenced the outlook and strategies of the high-culture writers who are generally the focus of literary studies. "Hired Pens," a history of the writing profession in the United States, recognizes the place of independent writers who wrote for their livelihood from the 1830s and 1840s, with the first appearance of a broad-based print culture, to the 1960s. Many...
Just as mass-market magazines and cheap books have played important roles in the creation of an American identity, those skilled craftsmen (and women)...
Just as mass-market magazines and cheap books have played important roles in the creation of an American identity, those skilled craftsmen (and women) whose careers are the subjects of Ronald Weber's narrative profoundly influenced the outlook and strategies of the high-culture writers who are generally the focus of literary studies. Hired Pens, a history of the writing profession in the United States, recognizes the place of independent writers who wrote for their livelihood, from the 1880s and' 40s, with the first appearance of a broad-based print culture, to the 1960s. Many realist authors...
Just as mass-market magazines and cheap books have played important roles in the creation of an American identity, those skilled craftsmen (and women)...
In der Reihe Deutsche Literatur erscheinen Studien und Quellen der germanistischen Literaturwissenschaft vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Es handelt sich um philologisch grundlegende Arbeiten, die das Fach in seiner ganzen methodischen und thematischen Breite abdecken und literaturgeschichtliche Analysen mit theoretischer Reflexion auf hohem Niveau verbinden. Die Ausgaben im Rahmen der Reihe stellen ambitionierte, innovative Editionsvorhaben dar. Komparatistische Perspektiven auf die deutschsprachige Literatur sind ausdrucklich erwunscht.
Herausgegeben wird die Reihe von...
In der Reihe Deutsche Literatur erscheinen Studien und Quellen der germanistischen Literaturwissenschaft vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart...
Ernest Hemingway devoted a large part of his writing life to nonfiction in the form of newspaper and magazine journalism and especially in the form of five full-length books. His nonfiction, however, is usually taken only as a diversion from the main business of his career, fiction, and examined only for light shed on the fiction. In this study - the first devoted exclusively to Hemingway's nonfiction books, the heart of his effort as a fact writer - the work is considered in its own right as a central part of his achievement.
Ernest Hemingway devoted a large part of his writing life to nonfiction in the form of newspaper and magazine journalism and especially in the form of...