To beat your competitors you must know exactly what they are doing. It is impossible to put together a successful competitive strategy if you are unsure what your competitors are doing, what they plan to do or even who your competitors really are. As markets evolve even more rapidly and companies adapt their plans much faster, the demand for competitive intelligence has spiralled. Christopher West, an expert in the field, shows you how to collect, analyse and use competitive intelligence from a variety of sources, including the internet, and change your competitive strategy accordingly.
To beat your competitors you must know exactly what they are doing. It is impossible to put together a successful competitive strategy if you are unsu...
For businesses large and small, a global marketplace represents a source of great promise--and peril. While trade barriers have come down, and advances in communication and information technology have made new markets accessible as never before, one false move can spell disaster, especially for small and midsize companies. Nevertheless, with a combination of ambitious vision and careful planning, even the smallest businesses can expand far beyond their home country's borders.In Global Jumpstart, Ruth Stanat and Chris West draw on their many years of experience helping companies of all sizes...
For businesses large and small, a global marketplace represents a source of great promise--and peril. While trade barriers have come down, and advance...
A guide to mastering grammar and improving writing style with practical sections on writing everything from personal webpages to corporate sales reports. Perfect Written English is one of the Perfect series of practical guides.
A guide to mastering grammar and improving writing style with practical sections on writing everything from personal webpages to corporate sales repor...