Quantum mechanics is more than 70 years old and forms the basis of our description of phenomena at the atomic level. Still, its internal structure and many aspects of its interpretation have been discussed ever since its conception. It is only during the last 10-15 years that novel experimental techniques have allowed physicists to carry out tests of a type which the quantum theory pioneers only dreamt of — the so-called “Gedanken experiments”.The present book shows how such crucial tests have led to a deeper understanding of basic quantum concepts and processes. This...
Quantum mechanics is more than 70 years old and forms the basis of our description of phenomena at the atomic level. Still, its internal structure and...
Solid state physics is a complex area which needs a full arsenal of experimental techniques to uncover all its intriguing aspects. This book presents results from methods where phenomena in solids are observed from viewpoints that fall outside the experimental mainstream, but have brought unique information to the understanding of magnetism, superconductivity, interface physics and the physics and chemistry of metal/hydrogen systems, in particular diffusion phenomena. The text is not method-oriented, but rather centers on relevant physical problems; it puts the specific and often unique...
Solid state physics is a complex area which needs a full arsenal of experimental techniques to uncover all its intriguing aspects. This book presents ...