"Papa, what's the new baby's name?" asked one of the Martin girls. Little Therese was "the baby" of the Martin family. She was also her Papa's "Little Queen." With her Mama, her Papa and her 4 big sisters to love her, Therese could have turned out to be a very spoiled little girl. And indeed, it is true that sometimes she was cross and naughty. But Therese had hit upon a plan: she had decided to become a saint. To do this, she would love God every minute and would always say, "Yes" to whatever He asked of her. Would this really make Therese into a saint? Wasn't it too easy? Or maybe it would...
"Papa, what's the new baby's name?" asked one of the Martin girls. Little Therese was "the baby" of the Martin family. She was also her Papa's "Little...
Shows how St. Thomas was big, quiet and slow to speak, thus being called the "Dumb Ox" by fellow students. Shows for children 10 and up how this "Dumb Ox" became the greatest teacher in the history of the Church. Impr. 81 pgs 16 Illus, PB
Shows how St. Thomas was big, quiet and slow to speak, thus being called the "Dumb Ox" by fellow students. Shows for children 10 and up how this "Dumb...
The story for children 10 and up of St. Catherine of Siena, the young woman who brought the Pope back to Rome from France and converted thousands of people. Impr. 65 pgs 13 Illus, PB
The story for children 10 and up of St. Catherine of Siena, the young woman who brought the Pope back to Rome from France and converted thousands of p...
"Quick Where is the doctor?" cried a woman in great distress. "This poor Indian is bleeding to death " "Dr. de Rivero isn't here," answered Martin de Porres, the 12-year-old black boy who was the doctor's helper. "But don't worry. I'll look after the man." "This is not time for jokes " answered the woman scornfully. "Quick Where is there another doctor's shop?" "There isn't time," said Martin calmly. "Here, help me open the door to bring the poor man inside." The Indian was brought in. "Don't worry," Martin whispered to the moaning patient as he got out a clean cloth. "You're going to be...
"Quick Where is the doctor?" cried a woman in great distress. "This poor Indian is bleeding to death " "Dr. de Rivero isn't here," answered Martin de...
The story for children 10 and up of St. Rose of Lima, who became a hermit in her own home--rather than go to a convent--and how she became a great Saint. At her confirmation in 1597, she took the name of Rose, because, when an infant, her face had been seen transformed by a mystical rose. As a child she was remarkable for a great reverence, and pronounced love, for all things relating to God. Impr. 132 pgs 13 Illus, PB
The story for children 10 and up of St. Rose of Lima, who became a hermit in her own home--rather than go to a convent--and how she became a great Sai...
"Maybe Sister Margaret Mary is a saint." "Nonsense The poor young woman has been out of her mind for years." "That's a lie " "It is not " "It is " The gossip in town raged on. The nuns themselves did not know what to think about the Sister who reportedly saw Our Lord. Even the superior Mother Greyfie didn't know what to think. But one day, she decided to settle the question once and for all. For some time now Sister Margaret Mary had been seriously ill. Well, if Our Lord would cure her immediately, and keep her in perfect health for five months, she, Mother Greyfie, would have no more doubts...
"Maybe Sister Margaret Mary is a saint." "Nonsense The poor young woman has been out of her mind for years." "That's a lie " "It is not " "It is " Th...
"Sister, it couldn't have happened " declared the priest. "It was all a dream, like the other time." But Sister Catherine shook her head with childlike confidence. "Oh no, Father I see the Blessed Virgin as plainly as I see you. And she wants the Medal made right away, so people can wear it and start receiving graces." Father Aladel just could not believe that Our Lady was appearing to Sister Catherine Laboure-and asking for a medal to be made too Why, Sister Catherine was only a novice "Forget the whole thing," he told her. "Just say your prayers and try to be like the other Sisters."...
"Sister, it couldn't have happened " declared the priest. "It was all a dream, like the other time." But Sister Catherine shook her head with childlik...
"So you've decided to give in to the Devil," said the priest. John started back in dismay. "Oh no, Father " "But you just told me you were giving up your studies for the priesthood," responded Father Balley. What was poor John Vianney to do? Having begun his schooling much older than the other boys, he had found it impossible to keep up with them, and a couple of days ago he had been sent home from the seminary It looked as if it were all over for his cherished hope of becoming a priest. But Fr. Balley was not going to give up. He was sure that John had a vocation, and now a plan had just...
"So you've decided to give in to the Devil," said the priest. John started back in dismay. "Oh no, Father " "But you just told me you were giving up y...
"The city's going to be destroyed by earthquake " one excited person exclaimed. "No, fire and brimstone are going to fall from Heaven " said others. "It's the end of the whole world, not just the city of Lima " declared still others. What on earth had the saintly Father Francis Solano said last night in that sermon he gave in the market-place? Why, it was now midnight and the whole city was in an uproar There was a long line in front of every confessional. Candlelight processions with the Blessed Sacrament wound through the streets. Stolen goods were being returned to their owners. Enemies...
"The city's going to be destroyed by earthquake " one excited person exclaimed. "No, fire and brimstone are going to fall from Heaven " said others. "...
"It's almost upon us " yelled a frantic voice aboard the Saint Joseph, as the iceberg neared the ship. The huge mountain of gray-green ice looked like a floating castle-which would shatter the poor little wooden ship in a moment or two. Just then the helmsman, confused and panic-stricken, turned his wheel in the wrong direction, bringing the iceberg even nearer "It's the end of everything " groaned the Captain. "God's Will be done," prayed Mother Marie, as the collision loomed closer. If God wished her to drown in the icy Atlantic before ever reaching New France (Canada), His Holy Will be...
"It's almost upon us " yelled a frantic voice aboard the Saint Joseph, as the iceberg neared the ship. The huge mountain of gray-green ice looked like...