Set in the near future, this is the story of a beautiful young runaway who glories in sex and exhibitionism, and is an out-and-out sexual masochist. Due to an unfortunate incident Lia is naked when she encounters a group of Bikers, and naked she remains through many painful yet erotic adventures in which she revels unashamedly. But when the Biker of her dreams sweeps her off her feet she is surely to live happily ever after as his submissive sex slave... isn't she?
Set in the near future, this is the story of a beautiful young runaway who glories in sex and exhibitionism, and is an out-and-out sexual masochist. D...
In this second Biker's Girl book Lia, our beautifully submissive damsel in danger, again remains totally naked throughout, stumbling from one sexual mishap to another, pursued and hunted by numerous devious dominants and being regularly punished in all sorts of erotic ways.
In this second Biker's Girl book Lia, our beautifully submissive damsel in danger, again remains totally naked throughout, stumbling from one sexual m...