"Jeremiah Burroughs's "Hosea" combines exegetical rigor, theological astuteness, and experimental refreshment. In the great tradition of Puritan biblical exposition, Burroughs opens the inspired text, and has the text address the human heart. He mines the text for its meaning and doctrine, and translates his insights into wonderful applications. With great skill and ease, Burroughs sounds out Hosea's message - its threats of judgment, its calls to repentance, its promises of mercy, and its prophecies of Christ. Still today, Burroughs makes them resonate clearly and compellingly." -- Gerald M....
"Jeremiah Burroughs's "Hosea" combines exegetical rigor, theological astuteness, and experimental refreshment. In the great tradition of Puritan bibli...
"Why is it difficult to be content when you have so much?
On the surface, it seems unnecessary to instruct someone to be content in times of prosperity. However, times of prosperity and abundance provide some of the strongest temptations to pull our hearts away from God. Jeremiah Burroughs was keenly aware that the riches of this world compete for our affections and challenge our contentment in Christ. Originally prepared as an appendix to The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment, this book provides an important conclusion to Burroughs's sermon series on Philippians 4:11 12: "I have...
"Why is it difficult to be content when you have so much?
On the surface, it seems unnecessary to instruct someone to be content in times of prosp...