The first Northeast Christian Weekend Conference was held in October, 1988 at Long Beach Island, New Jersey. During that time Stephen Kaung shared two ministries on heavenly vision.
The first Northeast Christian Weekend Conference was held in October, 1988 at Long Beach Island, New Jersey. During that time Stephen Kaung shared two...
We know that after John the Baptist was put in prison, the Lord Jesus began to preach the gospel in Galilee. He told them that the time had arrived and the kingdom of God was coming; therefore, they were to repent and believe in the glad tidings. This is the gospel that our Lord Jesus preached. Today, when we think of the gospel of Jesus Christ, probably our whole attention is upon this matter of having our sins forgiven and going to heaven. We call this the gospel of grace. But when our Lord Jesus began to preach the gospel, the emphasis was not on this but it is: "Repent for the kingdom of...
We know that after John the Baptist was put in prison, the Lord Jesus began to preach the gospel in Galilee. He told them that the time had arrived an...
The cross is fundamental and central in the Bible, and it is very essential and vital to our lives. The cross is God's means to God's end. God's eternal purpose is His Son. He wants His Son to have the first place in all things, to sum up all things in Christ. The end is God's Son, but the cross is the only means--not just one of the means but the only means--to reach God's end. This is a message that comes out of the cross of Christ, and it is this message that we must hear.
The cross is fundamental and central in the Bible, and it is very essential and vital to our lives. The cross is God's means to God's end. God's etern...
During June, 1988, Stephen Kaung spoke at the Christian Family Conference held in Richmond, Virginia. The theme of the conference was Pressing on to Fulness. Brother Kaung shared four messages from the book of Revelation, stressing fulness in relation to the church, the world, the overcomer, and the New Jerusalem. "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son." John 3:16 When God gave His Son, He gave us His fulness. It is the will of God that we should enter into His fulness, which is in His Son, our Lord Jesus.
During June, 1988, Stephen Kaung spoke at the Christian Family Conference held in Richmond, Virginia. The theme of the conference was Pressing on to F...
In June 1990, the Christian Family Conference was held in Richmond, Virginia. The theme of the conference was Thy Kingdom Come.... "Why is it that the church is not being built? It is because we do not see the kingdom. We do not see the King.... May the Lord help us to love the kingdom that we may love the church."
In June 1990, the Christian Family Conference was held in Richmond, Virginia. The theme of the conference was Thy Kingdom Come.... "Why is it that the...
From the preface: "For Thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever." Matthew 6:13 (ASV) During the 1986 Christian Family Conference held in Richmond, Virginia, Stephen Kaung shared on The Kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is one of the most important themes in the whole Bible. It is the message of the Bible and the message of our Lord Jesus.
From the preface: "For Thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever." Matthew 6:13 (ASV) During the 1986 Christian Family Conference hel...
The contents of this book are two messages given by Stephen Kaung in 1983 entitled: "Living Within the Veil" and "Living Without the Camp." It was originally printed under the title Within the Veil and Outside the Camp in 1984. It was reprinted in 1998 under the current title.
The contents of this book are two messages given by Stephen Kaung in 1983 entitled: "Living Within the Veil" and "Living Without the Camp." It was ori...
From the preface: "Where there is no vision the people cast off restraint." Proverbs 29:18 Today, more than ever, it is most important that the Lord's people have vision because "without vision the people perish." In the last book of the Bible, The Revelation, we find a series of visions concerning our Lord Jesus in relation to the last days.During 1978, in Richmond, Virginia, Stephen Kaung shared a series of messages on these seven visions.
From the preface: "Where there is no vision the people cast off restraint." Proverbs 29:18 Today, more than ever, it is most important that the Lord's...