Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, originally titled Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, is an 1886 novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson. The story revolves around a London lawyer, Gabriel John Utterson, who investigates strange incidents between his old friend, Dr Henry Jekyll, and the misanthropic Edward Hyde. The novel is commonly associated with the rare mental condition casually referred to as "split" or "dual" personality-where the same person has both good and an evil personalities, quite distinct from each other. A timeless classic, it has entered common parlance as people refer to...
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, originally titled Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, is an 1886 novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson. The story revo...
Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 1894), novelist and poet, was descended from a famous Scottish engineering family. His grandfather Robert, his father Thomas, two uncles and a cousin were all noted engineers, particularly known for their lighthouses. This family history, focusing particularly on his grandfather, was written while R. L. Stevenson was living in Samoa, and was published posthumously in 1912. It first outlines the history of the name 'Stevenson' from the thirteenth century. Chapter 1 begins in the mid-eighteenth century, and records Robert Stevenson's birth in 1772, and his father's...
Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 1894), novelist and poet, was descended from a famous Scottish engineering family. His grandfather Robert, his father Tho...
As opposed to memorizing Spanish phrases or forcing themselves to get through another dry Spanish grammar or verb manual, this Dual Language Reader keeps students excited to get to the next page. With the English text coupled with the corresponding Spanish translation, they are able to comprehend the ideas being conveyed.
As opposed to memorizing Spanish phrases or forcing themselves to get through another dry Spanish grammar or verb manual, this Dual Language Reader ke...
This small novella tells the tale of two impossibly intertwined gentlemen living in Victorian London---the friendly and sociable Dr Jekyll, and the monstrously deformed, obviously dangerous Mr Hyde. As Mr Hydes crimes gain the attention of the police, the manhunt is on; but every lead on Hyde consistently leads back to Jekyll instead. When the darker truth of Hydes identity becomes clear to all, that the monstrous predator of Londons industrial-fog enshrouded streets is none other than Jekyll himself, transformed by a tincture of his own making, he sets forth to destroy himself and bring...
This small novella tells the tale of two impossibly intertwined gentlemen living in Victorian London---the friendly and sociable Dr Jekyll, and the mo...