This book presents a comprehensive articulation of New Testament teachings on mission from a contemporary American evangelical standpoint. Mission in the New Testament contributes a fresh statement of the biblical foundations of mission, serving as a catalyst for completion of the church's universal mission in this generation.
After investigating the historical background of the idea of mission in the Hebrew Scriptures, inter-testamental Judaism, the life of Jesus and the beginnings of the church, the book proceeds in a roughly canonical order through the New Testament. Essays analyze the...
This book presents a comprehensive articulation of New Testament teachings on mission from a contemporary American evangelical standpoint. Mission in ...
In this volume, William Larkin provides students with a reliable guide through the intricacies of the Greek text of Ephesians, introducing them to consensus views on matters of syntax, semantics, and textual criticism. In addition, the annotations contain references to current debates relating to the language of Ephesians. Larkin's annotations demonstrate that linguistically informed analyses which have appeared in the last couple of decades frequently shed light on old questions.
In this volume, William Larkin provides students with a reliable guide through the intricacies of the Greek text of Ephesians, introducing them to ...
This volume grapples with what the author calls "the challenge that historical and cultural relativism poses to the hermeneutical process when applied to the authoritative Scripture." The author addresses this 'challenge' by analyzing both the roots and the current state of biblical hermeneutics and by developing a biblical theology of hermeneutics and culture. Larkin begins his historical analysis by uncovering the origin of the major thought forms and patterns that have shaped contemporary hermeneutical discussion. He then focuses on evangelical and nonevangelical contributions to the...
This volume grapples with what the author calls "the challenge that historical and cultural relativism poses to the hermeneutical process when applied...
If ever there was an environment hostile to the gospel, it was the strife-torn, ethnically diverse backwater of the Roman Empire known as Palestine following the ascension of Jesus. But the gospel thrived--beginning from Jerusalem and spreading throughout Judea, Samaria and the rest of the known world. In Acts, the sequel to his Gospel, Luke tells how the Holy Spirit transformed a ragtag band of believers into a unified, world-engaging church. And as William Larkin explores this narrative of the early church, he offers inspiration and insight for readers who wonder how the gospel may be...
If ever there was an environment hostile to the gospel, it was the strife-torn, ethnically diverse backwater of the Roman Empire known as Palestine fo...