Hannspeter Winter Joachim Burgdrfer J. Burgd??rfer
Inthepastfewdecades, greatprogresshasbeenmadeinthe?eldofdynamical interactions of photons and charged particles with surfaces. Developments in this ?eld have largely been driven by technological advances. Foremost, the preparation and characterization of atomically ?at surfaces has opened up opportunities to precisely and reproducibly investigate surface structure and dynamics in unprecedented detail. An equally important advance represents the availability of new sources for projectiles interacting with and probing surfaces. Third-generation s- chrotron sources provide high-brilliance photon...
Inthepastfewdecades, greatprogresshasbeenmadeinthe?eldofdynamical interactions of photons and charged particles with surfaces. Developments in this ?e...
This work contains the invited papers (plenary and review lectures, progress and special reports) presented at the XX.ICPEAC, the Twentieth International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions. It highlights the status of research in photonic, electronic and atomic collision physics, for which experimental studies increasingly rely on laser and synchroton radiation and are more and more interrelated with other fields, such as molecular and chemical physics, surface science, quantum optics, and spectroscopy and formation of exotic atoms.
This work contains the invited papers (plenary and review lectures, progress and special reports) presented at the XX.ICPEAC, the Twentieth Internatio...