Zoom Boom, the scarecrow is a fictional character who lives on a magical farm with his many farm friends. The caretakers of the farm, farmer Don and his wifer are very happy that Zoom Boom lives on the farm. He helps many of the farm animals, to include those pesky crows stay out of trouble. Zoom Boom is always there to assist and help the animals. However, he learns a lot from them also, such as how to save money and how to recycle. Zoom Boom main focus is teach children lessons from everyday life which will help them make wise choices, and be nice to others.
Zoom Boom, the scarecrow is a fictional character who lives on a magical farm with his many farm friends. The caretakers of the farm, farmer Don an...
Charm and Dirty Bird are two characters from the Zoom Boom book series. Their names are quite the opposite of their character. Charm is very messy; whereas, Dirty Bird is very tidy. However, although they are different, they are still good friends. Be Tidy, or Not?, is a book that allows the readers to understand and appreciate the differences in their friends. It teaches children not to judge the differences, but to accept people as they are, allowing them to be tidy, or not.
Charm and Dirty Bird are two characters from the Zoom Boom book series. Their names are quite the opposite of their character. Charm is very messy;...
Zoom Boom the Scarecrow is to the rescue again, but this time he is rescuing Carrie Careless. Carrie Careless never watches where she is going. She is almost hit by a car when she crosses the street because she was not paying attention to the oncoming traffic. She almost fell down the stairs at school because she did not watch her step or hold onto the handrail. Both times Zoom Boom had to rescue her. He always tells her to be careful and pay attention to the safety signs. Zoo Boom wants everyone to be careful and follow all the safety signs in school, around their community, and in their...
Zoom Boom the Scarecrow is to the rescue again, but this time he is rescuing Carrie Careless. Carrie Careless never watches where she is going. She...
Zoom Boom the Scarecrow is to the rescue again, but this time he is rescuing Carrie Careless. Carrie Careless never watches where she is going. She is almost hit by a car when she crosses the street because she was not paying attention to the oncoming traffic. She almost fell down the stairs at school because she did not watch her step or hold onto the handrail. Both times Zoom Boom had to rescue her. He always tells her to be careful and pay attention to the safety signs. Zoo Boom wants everyone to be careful and follow all the safety signs in school, around their community, and in their...
Zoom Boom the Scarecrow is to the rescue again, but this time he is rescuing Carrie Careless. Carrie Careless never watches where she is going. She...
Zoom Boom, the scarecrow is a fictional character who lives on a magical farm with his many farm friends. The caretakers of the farm, farmer Don and his wife are very happy that Zoom Boom lives on the farm. He helps many of the farm animals, to include those pesky crows stay out of trouble. Zoom Boom is always there to assist and help the animals. However, he learns a lot from them also, such as how to save money and how to recycle. Zoom Boom main focus is teach children lessons from everyday life which will help them make wise choices, and be nice to others.
Zoom Boom, the scarecrow is a fictional character who lives on a magical farm with his many farm friends. The caretakers of the farm, farmer Don an...
Charm and Dirty Bird are two characters from the Zoom Boom book series. Their names are quite the opposite of their character. Charm is very messy; whereas, Dirty Bird is very tidy. However, although they are different, they are still good friends. Be Tidy, or Not?, is a book that allows the readers to understand and appreciate the differences in their friends. It teaches children not to judge the differences, but to accept people as they are, allowing them to be tidy, or not.
Charm and Dirty Bird are two characters from the Zoom Boom book series. Their names are quite the opposite of their character. Charm is very messy;...