A hands-on guide to the ins and outs of nonprofit accounting
Not-for-Profit Accounting Made Easy, Second Edition equips you with the tools you need to run the financial and accounting operations within your nonprofit organization. Even if you do not have a professional understanding of accounting principles and financial reporting, this handy guide makes it all clear with complex accounting rules explained in terms nonaccountants can easily understand in order to help you better fulfill your managerial and fiduciary duties. Always practical and never overtechnical, this helpful...
A hands-on guide to the ins and outs of nonprofit accounting
Not-for-Profit Accounting Made Easy, Second Edition equips you with the tool...
A hands-on guide to the ins and outs of governmental accounting--made easy
Governmental Accounting Made Easy, Second Edition equips you with the tools you need to run the financial and accounting operations within your organization. This complete and straightforward manual covers a broad range of governmental accounting topics that fall under the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, and its recently revised financial reporting model.
Boiling down the complicated details of governmental accounting into manageable essentials, author Warren Ruppel, a leading...
A hands-on guide to the ins and outs of governmental accounting--made easy
Governmental Accounting Made Easy, Second Edition equips ...
How can not-for-profit organizations be sure they play by the rules when the rules aren't clear?
Due to recent, very public accounting scandals and the resulting Sarbanes-Oxley Act and other regulations, public companies have strict guidance on financial governance and accounting, including the functions and responsibilities of audit committee members. Though not-for-profit organizations are subject to increased scrutiny, there has been no detailed guidance for their audit committees. This book fills the void and helps not-for-profit organizations answer these questions: *...
How can not-for-profit organizations be sure they play by the rules when the rules aren't clear?