Practical Process Control (loop tuning and troubleshooting). This book differs from others on the market in several respects. First, the presentation is totally in the time domain (the word "LaPlace" is nowhere to be found). The focus of the book is actually troubleshooting, not tuning. If a controller is "tunable," the tuning procedure will be straightforward and uneventful. But if a loop is "untunable," difficulties will be experienced, usually early in the tuning effort. The nature of any difficulty provides valuable clues to what is rendering the loop "untunable." For example, if reducing...
Practical Process Control (loop tuning and troubleshooting). This book differs from others on the market in several respects. First, the presentation ...
This book fills the gap between basic control configurations (Practical Process Control) and model predictive control (MPC). For those loops whose performance has a direct impact on plant economics or product quality, going beyond simple feedback or cascade can improve control performance, or specifically, reduce the variance about the target. However, the effort required to implement such control technology must be offset by increased economic returns from production operations. The economic aspects of the application of the various advanced control technologies are stressed throughout the...
This book fills the gap between basic control configurations (Practical Process Control) and model predictive control (MPC). For those loops whose per...
Gives a real world explanation of how to analyze and troubleshoot a process control system in a batch process plant - Explains how to analyze the requirements for controlling a batch process, develop the control logic to meet these requirements, and troubleshoot the process controls in batch processes - Presents three categories of batch processes (cyclical batch, multigrade facilities, and flexible batch) and examines the differences in the control requirements in each - Examines various concepts of a product recipe and what its nature must be in a flexible batch...
Gives a real world explanation of how to analyze and troubleshoot a process control system in a batch process plant - Explains how to analyze th...