Global Health Watch 2005--a collaboration of civil society activists, community groups, health workers and scholars -- has compiled this alternative world health report. It is a hard-hitting, evidence-based analysis of the political economy of health and health care. It offers a comprehensive survey of current knowledge and thinking in the key areas that influence health, focusing throughout on the health and welfare of poor and vulnerable groups in all countries. These issues range from climate change, water and nutrition to national health policies and services and the brain drain of health...
Global Health Watch 2005--a collaboration of civil society activists, community groups, health workers and scholars -- has compiled this alternative w...
If we follow the neoliberal script, we re all consumers, happily salving our discontent in a hypermarket where money is the only language. For the majority of the people in the world, however, that image translates into a much less pleasant reality: a precarious and impoverished life. Is there a way to break free of that worldview? Yes, says William K. Carroll, andExpose, Oppose, Proposeshows how. Detailing the work over the past four decades of transnational alternative policy groups (TAPGs), Carroll shows how these think tanks have generated ideas and resources for resistance...
If we follow the neoliberal script, we re all consumers, happily salving our discontent in a hypermarket where money is the only language. For the maj...