This book is the product of dialogue between a group of leading British Muslim and Christian scholars concerned about the alleged danger to the 'West' of Islamic 'fundamentalism'. It analyses the ethical and legal principles, rooted in both traditions, underlying any use of armed force in the modern world. After chapters on the history, theology and laws of war as seen from both sides, the book applies its conclusions to (a) the 1990-91 Gulf War and (b) the Bosnian Conflict. It concludes that Huntington's 'Clash of Civilisations' thesis is a dangerous myth.
This book is the product of dialogue between a group of leading British Muslim and Christian scholars concerned about the alleged danger to the 'West'...
This book, at the intersections of political sociology, political philosophy, and theology, reads the legacyof Bosnia as both a paradigm and an antiparadigm forthe human condition. The adjective Bosnian sums up anacceptance of the diversity of human attitudes towardthe world and toward God. Yet the Bosnian tradition ofaccepting the inevitability of, and thus the right to, differingChristologies among people who speak the samelanguage and share the same history has been reduced tothe antiparadigms of confessionalism, ethnicism, andultimately nationalism, which seeks either to expel or...
This book, at the intersections of political sociology, political philosophy, and theology, reads the legacyof Bosnia as both a paradigm and an antipa...
Munevera Hadzisehovic Thomas Butler Saba Risaluddin
Born in a small river town in the largely Muslim province of Sandzak, Munevera Hadzisehovic grew up in an area sandwiched between the Orthodox Christian regions of Montenegro and Serbia, cut off from other Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her story takes her reader from the urban culture of the early 1930s through the massacres World War II and the repression of the early Communist regime to the dissolution of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s. It sheds light on the history of Yugoslavia from the interwar Kingdom to the breakup of the socialist state. In poignant and vivid detail,...
Born in a small river town in the largely Muslim province of Sandzak, Munevera Hadzisehovic grew up in an area sandwiched between the Orthodox Christi...
This book is the product of dialogue between a group of leading British Muslim and Christian scholars concerned about the alleged danger to the 'West' of Islamic 'fundamentalism'. It analyses the ethical and legal principles, rooted in both traditions, underlying any use of armed force in the modern world. After chapters on the history, theology and laws of war as seen from both sides, the book applies its conclusions to (a) the 1990-91 Gulf War and (b) the Bosnian Conflict. It concludes that Huntington's 'Clash of Civilisations' thesis is a dangerous myth.
This book is the product of dialogue between a group of leading British Muslim and Christian scholars concerned about the alleged danger to the 'West'...