Michael F. Barnsley Dietmar Saupe Edward R. Vrscay
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications FRACTALS IN MULTIMEDIA is a result of a very successful three-day minisymposium on the same title. The event was an integral part of the IMA annual program on Mathemat ics in Multimedia, 2000-2001. We would like to thank Michael F. Barnsley (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne), Di etmar Saupe (Institut fUr Informatik, UniversiUit Leipzig), and Edward R. Vrscay (Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo) for their excellent work as organizers of the meeting and for editing the proceedings. We...
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications FRACTALS IN MULTIMEDIA is a result of a very successful three-day minisymposium on the same title....
Das vorliegende Arbeitsbuch ist Teil eines Paketes von verschiedenen Materialien, die das Ziel haben, das Thema Chaos und Fraktale in den mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht einzufuhren. Ein weiteres Anliegen besteht darin, das mentale Bild von Mathematik im Bewutsein der Schuler attraktiver zu gestalten. Mathematik ist die Antwort des Menschen auf die Komplexitat der Welt. Mathematik ist die Ordnungsmacht im Dschungel der Phanomene. Deshalb ist Mathematik le- bendig, frisch und aktuell. Deshalb gibt es zwischen einzelnen Teilgebieten und Ergebnissen der Mathematik immer wieder...
Das vorliegende Arbeitsbuch ist Teil eines Paketes von verschiedenen Materialien, die das Ziel haben, das Thema Chaos und Fraktale in den mathematisch...
There are many reasons for writing this first volume of strategic activities on fractals. The most pervasive is the compelling desire to provide students of mathematics with a set of accessible, hands-on experiences with fractals and their underlying mathematical principles and characteristics. Another is to show how fractals connect to many different aspects of mathematics and how the study of fractals can bring these ideas together. A third is to share the beauty of their structure and shape both through what the eye sees and what the mind visualizes. Fractals have captured the attention,...
There are many reasons for writing this first volume of strategic activities on fractals. The most pervasive is the compelling desire to provide stude...
This book is based on notes for the course Fractals: lntroduction, Basics and Perspectives given by MichaelF. Barnsley, RobertL. Devaney, Heinz-Otto Peit gen, Dietmar Saupe and Richard F. Voss. The course was chaired by Heinz-Otto Peitgen and was part of the SIGGRAPH '87 (Anaheim, California) course pro gram. Though the five chapters of this book have emerged from those courses we have tried to make this book a coherent and uniformly styled presentation as much as possible. It is the first book which discusses fractals solely from the point of view of computer graphics. Though fundamental...
This book is based on notes for the course Fractals: lntroduction, Basics and Perspectives given by MichaelF. Barnsley, RobertL. Devaney, Heinz-Otto P...
Fractals for the Classroom breaks new ground as it brings an exciting branch of mathematics into the classroom. The book is a collection of independent chapters on the major concepts related to the science and mathematics of fractals. Written at the mathematical level of an advanced secondary student, Fractals for the Classroom includes many fascinating insights for the classroom teacher and integrates illustrations from a wide variety of applications with an enjoyable text to help bring the concepts alive and make them understandable to the average reader. This book will have a...
Fractals for the Classroom breaks new ground as it brings an exciting branch of mathematics into the classroom. The book is a collection of ind...
The fourteen chapters of this book cover the central ideas and concepts of chaos and fractals as well as many related topics including: the Mandelbrot set, Julia sets, cellular automata, L-systems, percolation and strange attractors. This new edition has been thoroughly revised throughout. The appendices of the original edition were taken out since more recent publications cover this material in more depth. Instead of the focussed computer programs in BASIC, the authors provide 10 interactive JAVA-applets for this second edition.
The fourteen chapters of this book cover the central ideas and concepts of chaos and fractals as well as many related topics including: the Mandelbrot...
Die Realitiit ist vielleicht das reinste Chaos. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg 1953 erkannte ich, daj3 die gerade Linie zum Untergang der Menschheitfiihrt. Aber die gerade Linie ist zur absoluten Tyrannei geworden. Die gerade Linie ist der Fluch unserer Zivilisation. Heute erleben wir den Triumph der rationalen Technik, und wiihrenddessen befinden wir uns gleichzeitig vor dem Nichts. Friedensreich Hundertwasser Dieses Buch ist weder ein typisches Mathematikbuch noch ein iibliches popularwis senschaftliches Buch. Vielmehr war beabsichtigt, eine Art Lesebuch vorzulegen, das es auch Laien erlaubt,...
Die Realitiit ist vielleicht das reinste Chaos. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg 1953 erkannte ich, daj3 die gerade Linie zum Untergang der Menschheitfiihr...