Intelligent agents are rescuer in the information glut. They help users to find information which better corresponds to their interests and needs. This book describes the architecture and basic modules of an intelligent media agent. A personal television guide is described as an example of intelligent help, addressing the problem of managing TV channels by using an intelligent agent. Contents: intelligent agents - software agents - programming - fuzzy logic Target groups: Computer scientists - students - software developers - multimedia and internet programmer About the Author:...
Intelligent agents are rescuer in the information glut. They help users to find information which better corresponds to their interests and needs. Thi...
2 chapter contains examples of intelligent agents, arranged according to their appli cation areas. Chapter 7 closes with a prospective view of the future development of intelligent agents. Everyone concerned with the Internet and the new possibilities of information and communication technology knows that nowadays there is no area that is devel oping faster. The authors are aware of the dynamics of this research area and its effects when they describe such a fast developing area in a slow, traditional me dium like a book. One thing is sure today: when the book appears on the market, new...
2 chapter contains examples of intelligent agents, arranged according to their appli cation areas. Chapter 7 closes with a prospective view of the fut...
Ausgehend von Fallbeispielen entwickeln die Autoren eine methodische Darstellung Intelligenter Softwareagenten. Neben den Grundlagen werden die Einflusse der Kunstlichen Intelligenz, der Netzwerke und Kommunikationssysteme eingehend beschrieben. Im Anschluss an die einschlagigen Entwicklungsmethoden und Tools werden die Anwendungsbereiche fur Intelligente Softwareagenten dargelegt. In zahlreichen Beispielen findet der Leser ausfuhrliche Beschreibungen einzelner Softwareagenten, insbesondere der Agenten Firefly und Kasbah. Die Auseinandersetzung mit den Basisbausteinen und die praktische...
Ausgehend von Fallbeispielen entwickeln die Autoren eine methodische Darstellung Intelligenter Softwareagenten. Neben den Grundlagen werden die Einflu...