Examines such issues as drug use and gambling, enforcement of contracts, and the rights of owners and managers. The author reveals an all-star baseball law team whose stories illuminate relationship between law and baseball that has made the business of baseball a truly American institution.
Examines such issues as drug use and gambling, enforcement of contracts, and the rights of owners and managers. The author reveals an all-star basebal...
Professional baseball players have always been well paid. In 1869, Harry Wright paid his Cincinnati Red Stockings about seven times what an average workingman earned. Today, on average, players earn more than fifty times the average worker's salary. In fact, on December 12, 1998, pitcher Kevin Brown agreed to a seven-year, $105,000,000 contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers, the first nine-figure contract in baseball history. Brown will be earning over $400,000 per game; more than 17,000 fans have to show up at Dodger Stadium every night just to pay his salary. Why are baseball players paid so...
Professional baseball players have always been well paid. In 1869, Harry Wright paid his Cincinnati Red Stockings about seven times what an average wo...