For Green parties and social movements, European Community policies remain sorely inadequate in both formulation and implementation. This text aims to provide a comprehensive examination of the goals, strategies and impact of Green actors in the EC. Bomberg's study explores the relationship between movements and political parties. She emphasizes the Greens' alternative construction of a Europe of the Regions.
For Green parties and social movements, European Community policies remain sorely inadequate in both formulation and implementation. This text aims to...
For Green parties and social movements, European Community policies remain sorely inadequate in both formulation and implementation. This text aims to provide a comprehensive examination of the goals, strategies and impact of Green actors in the EC. Bomberg's study explores the relationship between movements and political parties. She emphasizes the Greens' alternative construction of a Europe of the Regions.
For Green parties and social movements, European Community policies remain sorely inadequate in both formulation and implementation. This text aims to...
Peterson John (Jean Monnet Senior Lectur Elizabeth Bomberg
Based on exhaustive research, this book explains how the European Union makes decisions in seven major policy sectors. Written in a clear, user-friendly style, it brings the EU alive for a student and non-specialist audience. The book's central themes are that informal norms often matter more than formal rules, agency often matters more than structure, and abrupt change often punctuates deadlock. It offers a theoretically-based introduction to the lively, humorous and fascinating politics of a unique experiment in modern governance.
Based on exhaustive research, this book explains how the European Union makes decisions in seven major policy sectors. Written in a clear, user-friend...