New Labour in Power combines historical, political and practical approaches to the questions raised by the Labour election victory. Addressing core themes such as Europe, the economy, welfare, education, and the constitution, this volume provides an assessment of the new era. This book explores Blair's victory through its historical context and the words of contemporary media commentators, journalists, economists and politicians. This book includes much-needed analysis of the current state of the party and invaluable insight into longer term trends.
New Labour in Power combines historical, political and practical approaches to the questions raised by the Labour election victory. Addressin...
Margaret Thatcher (1925 2013) was the dominant British political leader of our age. No postwar prime minister has equalled the impact she made on modern British history, nor matched her influence on the European and world stages. But, as she becomes a historical figure, how to distinguish myth from reality? The daunting quantity (and variable quality) of literature already available on Thatcher makes it decidedly difficult to discriminate the significant from the tendentious, superficial, and otiose. Moreover, because no comparable British politician has had such profound effects on...
Margaret Thatcher (1925 2013) was the dominant British political leader of our age. No postwar prime minister has equalled the impact she made on m...
What do we really mean when we say a political party has changed? And exactly what is it that drives that change? Political scientists working in the comparative tradition have come up with a general explanation that revolves around the role of election defeats and loss of office, and around changes of leader and factions. But how well does that explanation cope when subjected to a historically-grounded and therefore robust examination? This book tries to answer that question by subjecting the common wisdom to a real-world, over-time test using one of the world's oldest and most successful...
What do we really mean when we say a political party has changed? And exactly what is it that drives that change? Political scientists working in the ...
The Conservatives are back, and back with a bang - two election wins in a row and, providing they can hold things together till 2020, in a pretty good position to win another. But many questions about their recent past, present and future still remain. Just why did the world's oldest and most successful political party dump Margaret Thatcher only to commit electoral suicide under John Major? And what stopped the Tories getting their act together until David Cameron came along? Has Cameron changed his party as much some have claimed or has his leadership, both in opposition and in...
The Conservatives are back, and back with a bang - two election wins in a row and, providing they can hold things together till 2020, in a pretty g...
Tim (Senior Lecturer in Politics at University of Sussex) Bale
The Conservatives are back, and back with a bang ? two election wins in a row and, providing they can hold things together, in a pretty good position to win another. But many questions about their recent past, present, and future still remain. Just why did the world's oldest and most successful political party dump Margaret Thatcher only to commit electoral suicide under John Major? And what stopped the Tories getting their act together until David Cameron came along? Did Cameron change his party as much as he sometimes liked to claim, or did his leadership, both in opposition and in...
The Conservatives are back, and back with a bang ? two election wins in a row and, providing they can hold things together, in a pretty good positi...