A detailed philosophical debate on the nature of expertise is long overdue and Dimensions of Expertise opens up that debate. Christopher Winch firstly explores an account of know-how, derived primarily from the pioneering work of Gilbert Ryle, and moves on to relate this epistemological debate to discussions concerning the nature of expertise in vocational and professional education, including attempts to provide a theory of expertise.
A detailed philosophical debate on the nature of expertise is long overdue and Dimensions of Expertise opens up that debate. Christopher Winch firstly...
The Philosophy of Human Learning addresses current concerns with the nature of human learning from a distinctive philosophical perspective. Using insights derived from the work of Wittgenstein, it mounts a vigorous attack on influential contemporary accounts of learning, both in the 'romantic' Rousseauian tradition and in the 'scientific' cognotivist tradition. These two schools, Professor Winch argues, are more closely related than is commonly realised.
The Philosophy of Human Learning addresses current concerns with the nature of human learning from a distinctive philosophical perspective. U...
Die Publikation beschaftigt sich mit den Lehrerbildungsstrukturen in England und Deutschland und deren Wandel unter bildungspolitischen Reforminitiativen. Trotz Parallelen in Reformdiskursen und -instrumenten, hinsichtlich der praktischen Fokussierungen und Wirkungen von Reforminitiativen existieren deutliche Differenzen. Die Beitrage deuten dabei darauf, dass die Durchsetzung bildungspolitischer Steuerungsmassnahmen bis in die Mikroebene von Lehrerausbildung und Lehrprofession letztlich scheinbar stringenter in den marktorientierten Strukturen Englands gelingt als in den stark...
Die Publikation beschaftigt sich mit den Lehrerbildungsstrukturen in England und Deutschland und deren Wandel unter bildungspolitischen Reforminiti...
What purpose does educational assessment serve? Are the same instruments suitable for different purposes? How much trust can we place upon the outcomes of educational assessment?
The subject of educational assessment is much discussed and much misunderstood. Policymakers assert its importance to quality in education and its essential role in ensuring accountability for public education, and the results of educational assessment are thought to be of such vital interest to society that they are often made public knowledge.
This approachable text explores the philosophical...
What purpose does educational assessment serve? Are the same instruments suitable for different purposes? How much trust can we place upon the outc...