Chromosome biology has been brought to a golden age by phenomenal advanced in molecular genetics and techniques. This is true in the plant arena, and it is becoming increasingly true in animal studies, where chromosomes are more difficult to work with. With advanced knowledge of transformation, scientists can tell exactly where a new element enters a chromosome. Conversely, molecular biologists can make large mistakes if they do not understand the behavior of chromosomes. Written by internationally recognized experts in the field, this book is the most authoritative work on the subject...
Chromosome biology has been brought to a golden age by phenomenal advanced in molecular genetics and techniques. This is true in the plant arena, and ...
Chromosome biology has been brought to a golden age by phenomenal advanced in molecular genetics and techniques. This is true in the plant arena, and it is becoming increasingly true in animal studies, where chromosomes are more difficult to work with. With advanced knowledge of transformation, scientists can tell exactly where a new element enters a chromosome. Conversely, molecular biologists can make large mistakes if they do not understand the behavior of chromosomes. Written by internationally recognized experts in the field, this book is the most authoritative work on the subject...
Chromosome biology has been brought to a golden age by phenomenal advanced in molecular genetics and techniques. This is true in the plant arena, and ...
A Historical Perspective on the Study of Chromosome Structure and Function R. Appels Division of Plant Industry CSIRO P.O. Box 1600 A.C.T. AUSTRALIA "Modern physical science gives us no model to explain the re duplication of the gene-string in each cell generation, or to ex plain the production of effective quantities of specific enzymes or other agents by specific genes. The precise pairing and inter change of segments by homologous gene-strings at meiosis also suggest novel physical properties of this form of matter." Stadler (1954) The very strong influence of reductionism in the history...
A Historical Perspective on the Study of Chromosome Structure and Function R. Appels Division of Plant Industry CSIRO P.O. Box 1600 A.C.T. AUSTRALIA "...
The potato (Solanum tuberosum L. ) tuber is a major food source in many countries of the world, and subsequently potato has been the target of a good deal of effort directed at engineering disease and herbicide tolerance, and improvements in various crop characteristics. Consequently investigations into the regulation of gene expression in tubers is relevant to these endeavours, as tubers are the main target organ for modification of gene expression. We have been interested in the regulation of genes in tubers for these reasons. Morphologically tubers are modified stems, which have enlarged...
The potato (Solanum tuberosum L. ) tuber is a major food source in many countries of the world, and subsequently potato has been the target of a good ...