"The Great New Wilderness Debate" is an expansive, wide-ranging collection that addresses the pivotal environmental issues of the modern era. This eclectic volume on the varied constructions of wilderness reveals the recent controversies that surround those conceptions, and the gulf between those who argue for wilderness "preservation" and those who argue for "wise use."
J. Baird Callicott and Michael P. Nelson have selected thirty-nine essays that provide historical context, range broadly across the issues, and set forth the positions of the debate. Beginning with such well-known...
"The Great New Wilderness Debate" is an expansive, wide-ranging collection that addresses the pivotal environmental issues of the modern era. This ...
"Moral Ground" brings together the testimony of over 80 visionaries theologians and religious leaders, scientists, elected officials, business leaders, naturists, activists, and writers to present a diverse and compelling call to honor our individual and collective moral responsibilities to our planet. In the face of environmental degradation and global climate change, scientific knowledge alone does not tell us what we ought to do. The missing premise of the argument and much-needed centerpiece in the debate to date has been the need for ethical values, moral guidance, and principled reasons...
"Moral Ground" brings together the testimony of over 80 visionaries theologians and religious leaders, scientists, elected officials, business leaders...