Neuropuncture is the clinical manual of a groundbreaking acupuncture system that incorporates neuroscience into its clinical applications for pain management, orthopaedic conditions and internal medicine. It shows acupuncturists how to apply research into the neurophysiological mechanisms of acupuncture and electrical acupuncture to the traditional TCM model of healthcare. The book explains how acupuncture works using Western medical science and illustrates how to apply this knowledge to clinical cases with electrical acupuncture, creating evidence-based acupuncture protocols. These...
Neuropuncture is the clinical manual of a groundbreaking acupuncture system that incorporates neuroscience into its clinical applications for p...
Giovanni (Acupuncturist and Medical Herbalist, UK; Visiting Professor, Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicin
One of the most highly-regarded and respected authors and lecturers in the West, Giovanni Maciocia, illuminates and examines the art of traditional Chinese acupuncture with this in-depth look at the secondary channels and other key structures encompassing the human body in Chinese anatomy. This book describes in detail the pathways, pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of the Luo, Muscle, and Divergent secondary channels, as well as other key structures such as the Cou Li and Huang membranes, and gives a thorough, clear overview of subjects poorly understood and incompletely covered in other...
One of the most highly-regarded and respected authors and lecturers in the West, Giovanni Maciocia, illuminates and examines the art of traditional Ch...