Luisa T. Fernholz Stephan Morgenthaler Werner Stahel
Statistics is strongly tied to applications in different scientific disciplines, and the most challenging statistical problems arise from problems in the sciences. In fact, the most innovative statistical research flows from the needs of applications in diverse settings. This volume is a testimony to the crucial role that statistics plays in scientific disciplines such as genetics and environmental sciences, among others. The articles in this volume range from human and agricultural genetic DNA research to carcinogens and chemical concentrations in the environment and to space debris and...
Statistics is strongly tied to applications in different scientific disciplines, and the most challenging statistical problems arise from problems in ...
David R. Brillinger Luisa T. Fernholz Stephan Morgenthaler
This collection of essays brings together many of the world's most distinguished statisticians to discuss a wide array of the most important recent developments in data analysis. The book honors John W. Tukey, one of the most influential statisticians of the twentieth century, on the occasion of his eightieth birthday. Contributors, some of them Tukey's former students, use his general theoretical work and his specific contributions to Exploratory Data Analysis as the point of departure for their papers. They cover topics from "pure" data analysis, such as gaussianizing transformations and...
This collection of essays brings together many of the world's most distinguished statisticians to discuss a wide array of the most important recent...
David R. Brillinger Luisa T. Fernholz Stephan Morgenthaler
This collection of essays brings together many of the world's most distinguished statisticians to discuss a wide array of the most important recent developments in data analysis. The book honors John W. Tukey, one of the most influential statisticians of the twentieth century, on the occasion of his eightieth birthday. Contributors, some of them Tukey's former students, use his general theoretical work and his specific contributions to Exploratory Data Analysis as the point of departure for their papers. They cover topics from "pure" data analysis, such as gaussianizing transformations and...
This collection of essays brings together many of the world's most distinguished statisticians to discuss a wide array of the most important recent...