Papers from The American Ceramic Society's 31st International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, held in Daytona Beach, Florida, January 21-26, 2007. Topics include synthesis, fictionalization, processing, and characterization of nanomaterials; structure-property correlations at nanometer length scales; bio- and magnetic nanomaterials; fundamentals in nanoscale systems and processes; nanostructured materials for chemical mechanical planarization, display, health and cosmetic applications; nanotubes and nanowires, nanolithography, and industrial development of nanomaterials.
Papers from The American Ceramic Society's 31st International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, held in Daytona Beach, Florida, January ...
An important new resource for the international utility market
Over the past two decades, static reactive power compensators have evolved into a mature technology and become an integral part of modern electrical power systems. They are one of the key devices in flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS). Coordination of static compensators with other controllable FACTS devices promises not only tremendously enhanced power system controllability, but also the extension of power transfer capability of existing transmission corridors to near their thermal capacities, thus delaying or...
An important new resource for the international utility market
Over the past two decades, static reactive power compensators have evolved in...