Marek A. Abramowicz Gunnlaugur Bjornsson James E. Pringle
This authoritative volume is the first to present a comprehensive and up-to-date review of our new understanding of accretion disks around black holes. Interest in black hole accretion disks has undergone a renaissance in recent years because of developments in three complementary areas: theoretical modeling of relativistic plasmas, numerical simulations with supercomputers, and observational tests now possible using new observatories such as the Japanese X-ray satellite, ASCAR. This volume presents review papers on all these topics from leading world authorities who gathered at an...
This authoritative volume is the first to present a comprehensive and up-to-date review of our new understanding of accretion disks around black holes...
Almost all conventional matter in the Universe is fluid, and fluid dynamics plays a crucial role in astrophysics. This graduate textbook, first published in 2007, provides a basic understanding of the fluid dynamical processes relevant to astrophysics. The mathematics used to describe these processes is simplified to bring out the underlying physics. The authors cover many topics, including wave propagation, shocks, spherical flows, stellar oscillations, the instabilities caused by effects such as magnetic fields, thermal driving, gravity, shear flows, and the basic concepts of compressible...
Almost all conventional matter in the Universe is fluid, and fluid dynamics plays a crucial role in astrophysics. This graduate textbook, first publis...