This corporate history of BASF offers a view of the functioning of an industrial organization that has managed to thrive and expand since 1865. Moreover, it reveals much about the reasons for the extraordinary economic dynamics of the German empire and the enormous expansion of the world economy before World War I. It permits the probing of the origins and spread of the knowledge society, in which science and research-based innovation have become the key determinants of economic growth and social development. Accordingly, BASF's history developed at the core of Germany's wartime economy...
This corporate history of BASF offers a view of the functioning of an industrial organization that has managed to thrive and expand since 1865. Moreov...
This corporate history of BASF offers a view of the functioning of an industrial organization that has managed to thrive and expand since 1865. Moreover, it reveals much about the reasons for the extraordinary economic dynamics of the German empire and the enormous expansion of the world economy before World War I. It permits the probing of the origins and spread of the knowledge society, in which science and research-based innovation have become the key determinants of economic growth and social development. Accordingly, BASF's history developed at the core of Germany's wartime economy...
This corporate history of BASF offers a view of the functioning of an industrial organization that has managed to thrive and expand since 1865. Moreov...
In vier Banden untersuchen die Autoren der Geschichtskommission beim Bundeswirtschaftsministerium die Kontinuitaten und Bruche der deutschen Wirtschaftspolitik von 1917 bis 1990. Die Bande 1 und 2 gelten dem Reichswirtschaftsministerium in Weimarer Republik und Drittem Reich. Die Bande 3 und 4 betrachten die Entwicklungen im geteilten Deutschland aus der Perspektive des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums und der Staatlichen Plankommission der DDR.
In vier Banden untersuchen die Autoren der Geschichtskommission beim Bundeswirtschaftsministerium die Kontinuitaten und Bruche der deutschen Wirtsc...