After two London seasons--and a score of resoundingly dull society suitors--Juliet Laverick finds herself longing for one man: Morgan Pryce, the dashing scoundrel who kidnapped her two years ago. But her determination to bring the rogue to justice hasn't waned--until Morgan's twin brother, Sebastian, arrives with some shocking news: Juliet's mysterious paramour has disappeared.
Sebastian, Lord Templemore, dares not tell Juliet the truth: he is the man she seeks--it is his kiss she yearns for. Confessing to the abduction would bring devastating scandal upon them both. But how can he...
After two London seasons--and a score of resoundingly dull society suitors--Juliet Laverick finds herself longing for one man: Morgan Pryce, the da...
A fascinating, hilarious, and timeless coming-of-age tale featuring one of Jane Austen's most memorable characters.
"Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition...had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her." The celebrated opening of Jane Austen's Emma introduces readers to a supremely self-assured and accomplished young woman who believes herself immune to romance. By turns brilliant and foolish, self-aware and self-deluding, Emma "leaps from error to error,"...
A fascinating, hilarious, and timeless coming-of-age tale featuring one of Jane Austen's most memorable characters.
Give in to your desires with this collection of stories from four of today's hottest romance authors--including #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan. You have nothing to lose...but your inhibitions.
In the Leopard novella "The Awakening," a beautiful naturalist's dream to live among the feral jungle creatures comes true under the blazing heat of the Borneo sun. But an untamed, irresistible beast of another sort forces her to explore her own wild side...
Join Sabrina Jeffries at "The Widow's Auction" where adventurous ladies in Victorian London are...
Give in to your desires with this collection of stories from four of today's hottest romance authors--including #1 New York Times bestsellin...