Anyone looking for a clear account of several of the arguments against The National Curriculum would find Vic Kelly's The National Curriculum just such a book' - Ted Wragg 'This book represents the most sustained critique of The National Curriculum I have seen' - British Journal of Curriculum and Assessment A National Curriculum is now being taught in all maintained schools and an associated programme for the testing of all pupils at key stages of The National Curriculum is in place. The full impact of this new curriculum and other associated changes will not be known until the full programme...
Anyone looking for a clear account of several of the arguments against The National Curriculum would find Vic Kelly's The National Curriculum just suc...
The main premises of this book are that democracy is a moral rather than merely a political system; that it provides a set of moral principles which must be adhered to in all social planning; and that much current social policy worldwide ignores those moral imperatives and thus places democracy itse
The main premises of this book are that democracy is a moral rather than merely a political system; that it provides a set of moral principles which m...